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You probably chose this particular text because you are either in network marketing or thinking about joining a network marketing program.  Or maybe you’re one of those people who sees inexpensive, slick, and funny looking things so just couldn’t help yourself when you saw the cover.  No matter what the reason is you’re reading this text, my job is to show you exactly why you and most people like you absolutely fail at network marketing.  Of course, you already know that the reason is because YOU S.U.C.K.!

Let me explain.  Typically when someone or something is referred to as sucking, we know that to mean that the subject of our scrutiny is pretty bad or downright awful.  When I say you S.U.C.K., if you noticed from the little dots after each capitalized letter, I am using this word as an acronym, or rather an abbreviation of a longer, more targeted message – SELL, UNDERWHELM, CUCKOLD, and KOWTOW.  I know this just sounds like a list of words I strung together in an attempt to force an acronym but give me a minute to show you what I mean and then judge if this is accurate.  

So you join the latest network marketing or multi-level marketing (MLM) company like Amway, Mary Kay, Paycation, Young Living, or LegalShield.  Immediately your upline begins preaching to you to take your new associate training, memorize scripts, build your lists, throw parties, and recruit a team, rinse, and repeat.  This is all well and good preparation but what I have found, and correct me if I’m wrong, this just doesn’t work for most people. If it doesn’t make dollars then it doesn’t make cents…sense that is.  Yeah, corny I know. I’m going to say quite a few corny things over the next few pages so if you don’t like corny, just grab the tastier kernels and throw back the rest of the cobb.  Queue rimshot… ba-boom-ching!

There’s a reason why this type of plan doesn’t work for most people in network marketing.  For the complete newbies to MLMs, the amount of product knowledge you think you have to consume can be quite overwhelming.  How can you possibly communicate all the great things your new business has to offer in the same professional and inspiring manner that hooked you into the business?  Secondly, memorizing scripts is easy.  Reciting them live to a potential customer without sounding like an idiot robot is a whole other ballgame.  Or maybe you were given “tools” like videos, flipcharts and brochures.  Just point or push play.  These things are great as leave-behinds but to stand there pointing and clicking still makes you look like…you guessed it, an idiot robot. 

When it comes to parties, you are just multiplying your robotic performance times the number of guests, usually friends and family whom you have begged to attend through promises of beer and food.  This kind of thing not only makes you uncomfortable but also puts your guests in a very awkward position because they feel suckered into listening to a sales pitch.  And if you are not a newbie, your friends and family are really starting to resent you, and maybe even avoid you, so they can be spared your latest failed attempt at prosperity. 

When I first started out in network marketing, I made all of the same mistakes you probably are making right now.  I made my lists of everyone I could think of that I knew or had ever met.  I attended all of the high powered opportunity meetings and trainings.  I scheduled three-way calls.  I invited friends, family, and even strangers out to Super Saturdays, Masterful Mondays, and Wealth-Building Wednesdays.

I even studied my training materials and listened to all the tapes and CDs.  I watched all the DVDs and memorized my scripts but yet I never made any money.  I never received a return on my investment.  I had spent literally hundreds of dollars of my hard earned cash and savings on all the things I was told would make me profitable but I had nothing to show for the expense.  Does my story sound familiar?

Aren’t you ready for a change in this scenario?  I know that I was.  I was ready to give up and just say to hell with it all.  I mean I knew that there were people out there making money, real cash money, promoting the same products and services I did but how were they doing it?  I searched and searched but there wasn’t any real training or information out there to help me out of my own wretchedness. 

I had to find out the long and hard way through trial and error that I was failing miserably because, like you, I S.U.C.K.  Well, I don’t anymore because I figured it out.  It took me a very long time but I turned it around after much self-reflection and observation of my actions.  It was indeed the system I was using.  It was the system that I was taught and that you were taught too.  The system wasn’t broken but rather missing a very critical component, the secret sauce, that caused me to S.U.C.K. so very bad.

Between the pages of this text, I will walk you through the top four costly mistakes you and everybody like you are making that prevents you from making real money fast.  You will learn an easy to implement and highly duplicable system with built-in proven techniques that will increase your sales by 100, 200, or even 300%.  By following these simple yet effective done-for-you strategies, you will no longer S.U.C.K.  In fact, you will excel at network marketing and become a recruiting machine easily bringing others into your network.  At the end of our journey together, you will have mastered the secret sauce to showing the value in your opportunity and be rewarded by an immediate return on your investment.

Ready to get started?  Let’s get back to why you S.U.C.K. 

Why YOU SUCK at Network MarketingWhere stories live. Discover now