Chapter 30: Tenma Niya

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As time went by, people started to leave the tavern and Yuki started to get sleepy. After what seemed like most of the people have left the tavern, I poked a finger at Yuki's cheek, making her instantly alert. 

"We should bring in these empty glasses."

"Mm." Yuki grabbed the bags beneath the table before I could while I took our empty glasses. She stuck her tongue out at me cheekily when I gave her a look. She always tries her best to make sure she takes the heavier things. 

I pushed open the tavern door with a tail and saw Diluc drying a glass. He said as we entered the tavern, "My apologies for making you two wait this long. Here, give me the glasses. I'll be locking up soon, you can sit here to wait if you'd like, I've chased everyone out."

"Thank you. Please, take your time." I assured him as Yuki and I took a seat at the counter. I took the bags from Yuki when she sat down, and she didn't argue. She was quieter now compared to before, she's probably tired. She leaned on my shoulder for a few minutes,  before she whispered, "Can I transform?"

"Technically, you can. Are you comfortable to transform though?"


"You can rest on my shoulders." 

When Diluc's back was turned, Yuki quickly transformed into a small white cat with shimmering fur and the blue ribbon around her neck. She curled herself around my neck, resting there and acting like a scarf for me. Diluc must have sensed something because he turned around as Yuki settled down on my shoulders. He looked at the empty seat where Yuki was sitting, then at the white cat around my neck and slowly nodded, "...Interesting."

"I trust you won't tell anyone else?" I asked. 

"I won't." 

Yuki sighed contentedly, her blue eyes closed. 

While Diluc finished cleaning, I looked around. The tavern had two levels, the second presumably had more seats. I took in the tavern and its decorations, I doubt I would be coming back to the tavern anytime soon. 

"Right," Diluc said, getting my attention, "I'm done here. Shall we go?"

"Sure." I picked up our bags and got off my seat. Diluc helped open the tavern door for me, and locked it behind us. The streets of Mondstadt are dark and quiet, peaceful in its own way with all the dandelion seeds dancing in the air. The guards at Mondstadt gates were looking sleepy as well, although they immediately became alert when we walked past, the bags swinging from my tails to keep my hands free. I'm sure the guards were baffled by the sight. 

The walk to Dawn Winery was quiet, Diluc wasn't one for small talk and I was fine with it. There was nothing to talk about, we don't know each other well enough. Besides, I was busy concentrating on my steps to make sure I don't wake Yuki up by accident. She was knocked out cold, so I had to make sure she didn't fall off. In the end, I gave up and gently removed her from my neck and cradled her in my arms instead. She seemed equally comfortable, if not more. 

It seemed that hilichurls needed to sleep as well, since the walk had no interference. There were sightings of hilichurl camps, but they didn't seem to notice us as we walked past. Doesn't mean we weren't cautious about it either. The lights around the mansion were lit up, and there was a maid waiting at the front door of the mansion. She greeted us when we got closer, "Welcome back, Master Diluc. This is...?"

"Our guests for a few days. Prepare a room for them." He said as he guided me into the mansion. 

"Them?" The maid asked. Diluc pointed to the white cat sleeping peacefully in my arms. 

"Ah, I see. I will prepare the room right away. The bath is prepared, Master Diluc." 

He nodded at the maid, before telling me to make myself at home. 

The maid turned to me and said, "If you don't mind waiting for a bit, your room will be ready soon. In the meantime, you can sit by the fireplace and wait. Is there anything I can get for you?"

"Uh, a glass of milk would be nice."

"I will be right back."

"Thank you..?"

"Adelinde, Head Maid of Dawn Winery. Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier."

She walked off after showing me to the fireplace. I stood in front of the warm fire, just watching Yuki's fur shimmer in the glowing light.

It's been a while since I've stepped into a mansion like this. How old was I the last time I've been in something this grand?

...I was a child. A child to other ageless beings. I had the body of a child, so adult humans would assume I was younger than them. Not younger in age, but definitely younger in mindset. I was full of innocence, the only thoughts in my mind was wanting to know how the world worked.

Eventually, I grew up too fast and saw how the world worked at an age too young to really understand.

If I hadn't experienced all that I did in the past, would I be here today?

I doubt so. I'd probably stay with my parents. But if Yuki had left, would I follow?

Whatever. These are questions I don't bother answering.

I turned when I heard footsteps and saw that Adelinde was back with a cup of milk. I gently shifted Yuki to the right so my left hand was free to take the cup. I thanked her and she went back to preparing the room. I quietly sipped on the milk and surveyed the first floor of the mansion. There was this weirdly-coloured vase that seemed very out of place with the rest of the interior. It doesn't look like something Diluc would get, maybe someone else got it for him. 

Adelinde came back a few moments later and said, "Your room is ready now, if you would like to use it."  

"Sure. Thank you for your hospitality."

She showed me to the room that Yuki and I would share. It was bigger than the room we use at the inn, but surprisingly simple. I'm starting to think Diluc likes simple things. 

I gently place Yuki down on one of the pillows on the bed. She was so far gone into dreamland it was amusing. 

I prepared for bed and this was when I caught my reflection in the mirror. I used to hate looking at my reflection, I hated seeing my eyes. I'm not saying I hate what I am, no. I like that I have both powers of the holy and sinful. I hated seeing my mismatched eyes because of how dead they looked. They didn't have any spark of emotion in them. But now, my eyes looked happier than before. There was a shine in them I have never seen before. 

Who would have thought I'd experience freedom in another world? My younger self definitely wouldn't have known. 

Well, time for bed. Tomorrow's another day. 

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