Someone... is missing?!

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heyyy monokuma... you come here often????

It should have started like any other ordinary day. Realistically, nothing the day before could've even implied that this was going to happen.

The first to notice Izuku wasn't there was Todoroki. Well, maybe it was Bakugou, but considering his pride, he most likely didn't comment on that.

"Midoriya hasn't come down yet." He speaks matter-of-factly. The other students look, and, Izuku was infact, not there.

"Maybe the nerd finally realized he's too weak to be a hero and took a hike." Bakugou barked out. He wasn't necessarily worried, although he knew that Izuku wouldn't do that, considering he was the most determined of them all. He didn't really give the fact he was missing much thought, weighing the option that he just slept in.

"Midoriya wouldn't do that." Shoto speaks up again, pointing out the obvious. This man thought Bakugou was being serious. Maybe he was, but that's highly unlikely.

"No shit sherlock." That confirms he was, infact, not being serious. Although no one really thought that besides the very sheltered man. "Why don't you check his room if you're so in-love with him?"

"I'm not in in-love with Midoriya, he is just my friend." Shoto spoke again, not getting the joke.

"Alright, alright! well look for him!" Uraraka speaks, softly pushing Todoroki in the direction of Izuku's dorm. Shoto just looked confused at this action, however.

"I'm not in-love with him though. Did I misinterpret the meaning of what I said?"

"Todoroki, don't worry, you did nothing wrong. But you do need to get better on social cues."

"Also, why are you pushing me? I am aware of where his dorm is." At that, Uraraka just stared, questioning if he was actually being serious.

They knocked, but received no answer, which was odd. Maybe he was still asleep. "Midoriya?"

They waited a few more minutes until calling for him, but to no avail, no answer was given. Either he was really exhausted, or he wasn't in his room at all. They feared that it was the latter, and hoped it was the former instead.

"Deku? We had something planned today.." Uraraka tried bringing up their plans, but that didn't seem to work either. They were just left with radio silence.

"What if I threaten to break one of his All Might figures?" Uraraka asked, hypothesizing how to get him out of the room, if he was even in there at all.

"That's harsh. You might get a negative response from that." Shoto reasoned, although he knew Uraraka wouldn't actually break it. He may have known she wouldn't have, but Izuku didn't.

"Better than no response at all. like, seriously. Is he mad at us?"

"Midoriya is difficult to anger, and besides, we didn't do anything that could've remotely upset him." Shoto reasoned, but he was also somewhat unsure.

"But maybe we did. What could've we done to upset him?"

They both came up empty-handed. if he was actually upset, they wouldn't have anyway to repent, since they have no clue what they even did. Communication is key, so they just needed to get Izuku to talk.

"You think his door is unlocked?"

"Doubtful, but you can try."

The door, was in fact, unlocked. That striked Shoto as odd. They were told to lock their doors, and Izuku usually follows the rules, unless someone is in danger. He breaks the rules if that's the case, him and his hero complex.

"Told you! Wonder why he would keep the door unlocked though."

When they stepped in, the room was empty. The man in question, Izuku Midoriya, nowhere to be found.

"Well, now we know he's not mad at us?" Uraraka says, trying to lighten the mood. She fails, however, given the extremely dire situation.

"Not the time. He wouldn't run away, so he was most likely kidnapped." Shoto jumped to the worst case scenario, basically lunging at it as if he were a dog and it was a treat.

"Hey... let's not assume the worst just yet, okay? Maybe he is out for a walk?"

"If he were, it would've been all night, since he hasn't come back and no one has seen him come down."

That seems to make Uraraka actually consider that, as hesitant as she was to think of that possibility. "So, for hypotheticals, he was kidnapped. Who and why?"

"Why are you asking me? I'm not the kidnapper."

"You could be. Who knows, maybe you're going for a yandere type of route."

"I'm not into Midoriya."

"The fact you got what was implied immediately says otherwise."

When they went back down, with no Izuku in tow, the others were confused to say the least. They asked the most obvious question, and the question everyone needed the answer to.

"Where is Midoriya?"

Of course, the answer didn't come easy, they have just come to the conclusion that he was taken. How on earth do they explain that to their friends. Atleast, that was what Uraraka was thinking anyways.

"He wasn't in his room." Shoto speaks bluntly. Although it might've not been what they wanted to hear, that was the best way to reveal it without raising any suspicions.

Bakugou just cackles at that. "Did the nerd actually leave? Fucking hilarious!" After his laughter died down, he spoke again. "Okay, seriously you fuck-nuggets, where is the nerd."

Uraraka sighs, "We told you, he wasn't in his room. We're not sure where he is."

"You fuckers weren't joking?"

"Why would we joke about something like that?" Uraraka raises her voice, not too much, but enough to express her shock.

"Used to do that in junior high. That shit was funny when teachers would freak." He pauses, actually finally taking in the words. "So none of you know where Deku is?"

They both nod at that. "We finally got through to you, huh?" Uraraka asks this as a genuine question, but she adds a teasing undertone.

"Fuck you!" The teasing undertone had the expected effect. She knew he would blow up like that, however, so she isn't startled.

"Was asking a genuine question."

He just glares at her, not giving her the satisfaction of an answer. The room went silent for what felt like an hour.

"So... Midobro is missing. I get that right?" Suddenly, the uncharacteristically quiet Kirishima speaks up. She felt a wave of relief hearing a more talkative person speak.

"Yep. Kidnapping isn't far-fetched, but i think we should talk to Mr. Aizawa before we do anything irrational." She tries to reason, but she knows damn well that she can't wait for his say either.

"Bullshit. If he's missing, we gotta find the little fucker."

"Aw, does someone care for Deku?"

"No. I'm repaying him for saving me when I got kidnapped." He suddenly pauses, thinking. "No, scratch that, I don't need to pay back the nerd shit. But Auntie Inko would be pissed if she found out I didn't try to help. So, that's it. To not get ragged on by Auntie Inko."

"Speaking of Inko, how are we going to tell her this." A much more composed Yaoyorozu spoke up, though it was as clear as day that she was concerned as well.

"Why don't we let Kacchan do that?" Kaminari speaks, stretching out the nickname.

"I will murder you someday."

OKOK so reason why I added humor in this. They're still kids, and probably wouldn't know how to handle a situation like this. Me personally, I would joke about it to cope, so I put that in there. Also I like to think that their friendship isn't soft, that they're mean to eachother as a joke as well. Cause the best friends you'll literally ever have are mean to you.

1302 words

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