Part 9

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Author's pov.

Everyone left to enjoy with there partners and now you and Taehyung were left alone

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Everyone left to enjoy with there partners and now you and Taehyung were left alone .... you took your place under a tree on a bench so did Taehyung.... you guys were busy in your own world admiring everything present there when he interrupted
"So Mrs.Kim what do you think about me" he said "P-Pardon ?" You asked "So Miss Y/n what are you thinking?" He changed his words immediately as you nodded saying "Nothing Just I feel bad for San that he never got his dad by his side!" Tae looks at him playing on the ground and then on you . "Who said he can still get a dad if her mom agrees!" He said "W-whattt???" You asked "Oh come on Doll I know you have feelings for me , just confess it !" He said with a playful smirk "W-who sa-id I-don't" you tried to deny but "YAH! I don't like this just say it or I will go back to Tia" this made you angry 😤 "Go then whom are you waiting for GO!"

"Aye....please you know I wont go , don't do that say na you love me , say you wanna live with me forever, say you will give me baby Kims-" he was speaking in one breath like baby talks with there parents for toys, you wanted him to stop coz it was getting embarrassing coz everyone who pass by were leaving glares at you two...
You didn't understand anything and placed your cherry lips on his , he got shocked but when the people started to smile and go back you tried to pull out from the kiss but now he pulled you by your waist and moved his lips in sign with yours ..... 👻
After few moment you both pulled out with red cheeks "You speak alot !" You said blushing "it's because staying with you now a days" he said giggling "hmmm?" He shooked his hands and you both laughing "I really love you the most do you?-" you cut him off "Yes I do love you Kim" you replied smiling. You both pulled in a hug 🤗

"Ahhhhh mumma , Mr. Handsome!!" San came groaning you both stood up and then approached him "What happened Champ?" Tae asked "Baby what happened san- you got hurt ? How did this happen? What were doing?-" you were throwing questions on that little soul , when he closed his ears dramatically and said "Oh ho ! Mumma , San is not a kid he got hurt while playing on the swings but you know mumma ...SUPERHERO put ointment and bandaged San's legs" he said you cupped your baby bears cheeks and ruffled his hairs , then Taehyung kneels to his level and picked him up in his arms and asked him

"And now his your superhero Champ?" San replied as "Superhero ! There he is - MR.SUPERHERO STOP !"
He said pointing his fingers somewhere we followed his little finger till the crowd there was a man all dressed in black but he didn't stop even if San called him. "Excuse me stop-" you too called him were about to follow him to say thanks but Tae stopped you "maybe he have something urgent to do , let him go.... we should head home it's getting late " you mumbled a yes then Tae held you with one hand and in other carrying San . You took a last glance to that man in black outfit and crowd .

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