Chapter 1

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Cleo's POV?

I sprinted to the bathroom again, feeling my stomach roll around like the waves I ride when I'm a mermaid. I tried to hold my hair back while I vomited it the toilet bowl. I heard a knock on the door?

Cleo are you all right their honey. I heard my dad yelled. I was able to control myself long enough to yell. Yeah, I'm fine?

Well, you better hurry up. You will be late for school. I heard him walk away from my bathroom. I pushed myself off the floor and went to the sink. I looked into the mirror and saw I was pale and had bags under my eyes?

What is wrong with me. I always tired, always hungry yet I can't hold anything down not even water, which is weird. Above all this, the girls and I are having problems with Charlotte. She used to be nice until?

Lewis's birthday party. Rikki was right. We shouldn't have never trusted her?


Emma and I were helping out Charlotte with Lewis birthday party which is becoming very boring but who care, she's his girlfriend and we promised to become friends with her since she was with Lewis now. Emma and I went to the shed to get some ice?

Why are we doing this instead of Charlotte. I complained. She's the party planner?

Emma turned around with the bag of ice in her hand, carefully not to get any of the water moisture on her. Without Rikki, we would be in big trouble if we got tails. Because, we promised Lewis that we would be nice to her. Helping out is nice. I'm surprised you are complaining to help out, mostly it's Rikki to complain?

I grounded. I know but maybe Rikki is right maybe we shouldn't trust her. She's been a little off since her attack on Nate?

You're over reacting. She told me with a smile. Charlotte is just not quit their with new rules on being a mermaid?

We stared walking to the door but the door wouldn't open. Emma started pulling very hard and that is when the pips above us broke, dousing us both in water. Ten seconds later were sprouting tails and on the wet floor?

We were almost exposed by Ash that day. He wouldn't leave when the door wouldn't open and was about to opened the door and see our tails. That is when we heard Zane and Rikki's voices and Zane was able to lead Ash way and Rikki came in, standing on a bucket and dried the whole place and us. Emma, Rikki and I knew it was Charlotte that caused the broken pipe. We have been keeping our distance from her ever since?

End of flashback?

I walked out my bathroom and got dressed and fed my fish. I grabbed my school bag and left my room and went downstairs?

Bye, dad. I yelled out. I'm going to school. I walked out of my house and walked the path use every day to school. Once at the school, I saw Rikki and Emma talking. I ran up to them?

Hey guys. I greeted cheerfully?

Hey Cleo. Rikki greeted back, when she squinted her eyes at me. It made me feel uncomfortable?

Is there something on my face the reason you are looking at me like that. I asked her. Rikki shook her head no?

You look very pale. Are you all right. I looked away from her?

Yeah, I'm fine. I've been sick lately. It started after Lewis's party. I think it's just the stress of worrying about Charlotte exposing us to the world?

Rikki looked at me doubtfully. Cleo that was three weeks ago. Maybe you should see a doctor?

But I'm fine guys. Emma tells Rikki I'm fine. I sighed?

Emma looked between Rikki and me and sighed. I think Rikki's right. Being sick for the past three weeks isn't a good sign. That actually reminds me when my mum was pregnant with Elliot. She couldn't hold any food down, always hungry and was always sleeping?

I stopped walking then. I have those exact symptoms. I felt like I was panicking and the world around me was collapsing. I heard a voice, low hushed voices when I realized it was Emma and Rikki were trying to get my attention. I shook my head and heard them speaking louder?

Cleo is everything okay. Emma asked with worry. I shook my head yes?

Rikki didn't believe me. I don't think so. You just zoned out completely. Are you sure?

I felt irritated with their questions. I'm fine. Just leave me alone. I snapped?

I stormed off to my locker and got my book and went to class. I didn't speak to Emma or Rikki the whole day at school. When the last bell rung, I left the school and went to the one place I could think. Mako Island. I dropped my stuff at home and went to the beach?

I ran to the water and dove in without a care. I felt my legs turn into a tail and I speed to Mako Island. I swim into the moon pool and rested on the edge of the pool and just looked at the whole cave. Could I be pregnant. I'm only 15. And the worst part, I know who the father would be. But I can't do that to him?

He has worked so hard to get to where he is and a baby would just ruin that and since he's with Charlotte, there's no way he would even believe it's his. Charlotte has her nail in him so deep, he just isn't the same. But what am I worried about. I don't know if I even am pregnant. Maybe it would hurt to find out would it?

Maybe it is just the stress of everything that is happening. I took a deeper breath and let it free. Focus Cleo, get your mind right, I thought. I dove into the water and raced to the main land. Once I was tail free, I went to the pharmacy and got three pregnancy tests?

I lied and said they were for my mom to the cashier. I took off to home and went straight to my bathroom and read the instructions. Did what it said and now I had to wait for three minutes. I felt like my life was ticking away just like to time. What if it was positive. What would my dad say, Emma and Rikki, and most of all. Lewis?

When it was time, I got up from the edge of the tube and looked at the stick. I felt like crying and screaming at the same time. On each stick there was a big red plus sign?

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