Family (part one)

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Rating: Explicit 18+

Warnings: Fingering, oral sex (female receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, praise, pet names (baby, bunny), daddy kink, talk of pregnancy, infertility problems, pregnancy, crying, angst

Watching my husband interact with kids always makes my heart happy. Spencer loves kids and he's told me multiple times that he wants kids, but only when I do and when I'm ready for one.

Tonight we were at JJs house with the rest of the team for dinner. I was sitting in the living room with Spencer, Emily, Hotch, and the kids. Everyone else was somewhere else in the house. Spencer was playing with Henry and Michael. Spencer was running around the room giving piggy back rides to the boys and "sword fighting" with pool noodles.

I imagined him doing that with our kids one day. He would make a perfect dad. Any kid would be lucky to have him as their dad. Spencer picked up Michael and put him on his back and ran out of the room. I could hear Michael's squeals and Spencer's laughter ringing throughout the house. Henry ran out of the room to go follow them. I smiled to myself.

"Have you talked about it yet?" Hotch asked.

"Talked about what?" I asked.

"Kids. Starting a family." Emily clarified.

"Oh. Yeah, we've talked about it." I smiled.

"Are you going to do it?" Emily asked.

"We don't know. We want to but Spence is worried that with his job, he won't be around enough. The last thing he wants is to be like his father." I shrugged.

"Spence would make the perfect dad. Any kid would be lucky to have him as their dad." Emily rubbed my arm.

"And I know for a fact that Spencer already makes time for you and he would do anything to have a kid." Hotch added.

"You guys should see Spencer and Michel right now." JJ laughed as she walked into the room. I smiled.

"IM GONNA GET YOU!!!" Spencer yelled as he ran down the hallway. I heard Michael squeal as he ran into the room. He jumped into my lap and attempted to hide from Spencer.

"The tickle monster has arrived!" Spencer exclaimed as he walked in the room. He spotted Michael and made a b-line towards me and him. He started tickling both me and Michael. Michael squealed and started squirming away.

"Spencer!" I exclaimed with a laugh. Everyone else in the room started laughing as well. I was laughing and squirming as I tried to get away from him. He abruptly stopped and picked up Michael again. Michael was laughing and Spencer held him upside down by his legs.

"Put me down!" Michael exclaimed. Spencer lowered him to the floor slowly. Michael scurried to hit feet and started ticking Spencer. They both started laughing. After a few seconds Michael stopped and ran out of the room. Spencer came over to me and sat down next to me.

"Hi baby." He cooed.

"Hey." I replied.

"Is he gone?" Michael asked as he poked his head around the corner.

"Is who gone?" JJ asked.

"The tickle monster."

"Yeah he's gone." I laughed.

"For now." Spencer added.

Michael squealed and ran away again. Will, Rossi, Derek, And Penelope walked into the room and sat down. We sat and talked for about an hour until people started to trickle out. Spencer and I said goodbye to everyone and left.

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