The Begining Part 1-Chad

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    I step onto the bus and scan it for Vicktor, my best friend, no homo obviously. I spot him near the mid-back and start walking towards him.
"Hey bro," Noah, the best point guard on the basketball team, says, raising his hand.
     I hit it, the hand in a high-five way not like the fucked him way-that'd be gay-which I'm not, "Sup man." I don't wait for an answer and continue on to Vicktor.
    I caught his eye, those like really sexy, only if he was a chick though, green irises-
     He pats the seat, "Sit down, don't be shy, man. You know I won't bite ya."
-inside his somewhat round eyes, kinda odd for a dude. His eyebrows start crinkling in-
     "Heloooo~" He waves his hand in front of my face, "Earth to Chad, the Chadiest Chad to ever Chad."
    "Oh!" I shake my head and sit down next to him.
     "You tired this morning?"
    I look over to him, "Yeah." We sit in silence for a minute, "You ready for the new school year?"        He looks over to me, "Yeah, can't wait for soccer season. I think they're gonna make me the new captain since Jerry H. left."
     "That's just a fact, you're the best player left!" I hit his shoulder.
     "Heh, yeah."
      We lurch forward as the bus comes to a stop. Some girls got on, I look at them and notice one in particular. She has broad shoulders, a square-ish jaw, and long dirty blonde hair. I motion for her to sit in the seat next to Vic and me. She comes over with a friend, I can't tell if it's a chick or a dude though. The friend has dark brown skin and half-shaved black hair that fades to pink at the end.
     "Sick hair dude," Vicktor addresses the friend.
     Before they can respond I quickly ask, "Quick question: you a chick or a dude?"
     "Non-Binary, I use they/them pronouns." They tell me, eyes analyzing me, "Thanks." They turn to Vicktor.
     I'm about to laugh but I catch the chick they're with's eyes and I know that if I did, I would have no chance of getting with him. HER! NO HOMO, I STRAIGHT. NO GAY.

     "So, what's your name?" I ask the hot chick.

     "Zachary," She answers in an unusually low voice. "And that's Vinnie."

     "Nice, I'm Chad and this," I motion to Vic, "is Vicktor." He gives a wave. "I'm captain of the basketball team and he's the best soccer player our school's got. He's sure to be made captain this year."

     "That's cool, we were thinking of trying out cheerleading, just to try it, ya know?" Zach tells me.

     "You were thinking of trying out cheerleading, I'm not interested in that."


By the time we'd arrived at school Zach, Vinnie, Vicktor and I had formed a pact-the pact of friendship between a cheerleader, an art nerd, and two jocks. It's great. We all part, having different first hours.

     I arrive at my first hour-geometry.

     "Sit anywhere," the teacher tells me as I shuffle into the room. I chose to sit in the middle row-far back enough so that the math stuff isn't giving me the death stare but far up enough to be away from the weirdos.

     People slowly shuffle in, luckily for me Lucas, a junior on the basketball team, has this class, so he sits to my right. We talk for a minute before he spots someone at the door. He gets up and high-fives the dude then they walk over to me.

     "This is Kyle," Lucas tells me.

     "Sup," Kyle says nodding his head slightly up.

     RIIIIIIIING, the bell rings before I can get a good look at Kyle. He sits on my left as Lucas takes his place back on my right.

     "He's on the football team with me," I turn my attention towards Lucas, "pretty damn good if I do say so myself."

     I listen dully as the teacher goes over the procedures and stuff that's gonna be happening in this class then lets us talk or be on our phones. I see Lucas do the latter, so I turn my head to Kyle. He's also on his phone, but something about him captivates me. Is it his eyes? The dark brown that's so close to being black shade of them? The upturned shape of them? His hair? The curls of his short-ish black hair? His style? The gray Nike hoodie falling just below his crotch that was covered by faded blue jeans with exactly two rips in them? The white Air Jordans on his feet? What is it about this guy?

     He looks up at me, "Hey." He pauses, perfect eyebrows crinkling in just slightly and his mouth slightly open. "Uh, Chad," he smiles unsurely, "right?"

     "Yeah!" I affirm, "Chad, and you are," I pause, racking my brain. He starts to open his mouth, "Don't tell me," I tell him, "I got this." I stare into his alluring eyes, he stares back. I take a breath as I remember it, "Kyle."

     "Bingo dude."

     RIIIIIIIING, the bell rings. We grab our bags and get up.

     "Uh, see ya," I say as he walks out before me. Damn, that's a nice ass.

     "Yeah, bye!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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