The Boy

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It hurts...

Momma why does it hurt?




Once upon a time, there was a girl. A simple girl, with a simple family and a simple home. Only it wasn't simple, it was a military base. And it wasn't a girl, it was a boy. Or at least that's what he kept telling his family. They kept ignoring him, and he kept trying, until it got too much. He became numb - outside and inside - and stopped arguing. He stopped trying to fight a losing battle. He tried to conform to their rules, and it only made him number as he pushed through the pain. He told his friends and they let him be himself - be a boy, and the voices in his head seemed to rejoice. Funny thing was, he had been feeling that something was off for a while in his life, and he was always influenced to think it was something else - influenced by those who looked similar to his body. As time passed and he got to the bottom of it all, he realized who he was, and then tried to tell his family but they only pushed it aside and told him what everyone else told him. But he knew it to be true. He was a boy.

He couldn't be a girl. He couldn't play pretend any longer. However he was stuck. He was stuck seeing the name of a dead girl everywhere - his birth records, his email for school, his username for school - everything. He could only change a few things. And change them he did. Everyone called him K. So he decided to go by that. K. A simple sound with many meanings. It could mean the ocean, or firefly, or 'rejoice', or even 'keeper of the keys'. K particularly liked this name, mainly for its versatility. He kept it by his side, using it as his codename. And everyone called him by it, so it was perfect to hide behind like a shield.

K liked shields.

However, that proved to not be enough to protect him. Official documents required the name of the girl he so silently killed. So he had to oblige. He had to use her name for everything, and it hurt. He was using someone who should be resting peacefully. K hated that. So he had to tell someone.

He had to stop hiding.

His aunt had been kind enough to agree to try and send him something he can use - a magical item. It was told to hide his chest. He then went on with life, journaling his stories. He gained friends and he used magic to turn into a child. Sure, there was the looming threat of his parents, but he was determined.

Determined to get away.

But for right now...

He will hide under the mask of the dead girl.

Until it is safe to come out.

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