Chapter Eight

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I giggled and he pinned me down softly kissing me. I kissed back and he hummed letting my hand go cupping my cheek.

It's been a couple days since we mated. I didn't think I could've loved him anymore than I did. And then he marked me. My whole world changed. I was always scared my mate would take advantage of me for being small and weaker. But I'm the one that does it to him.

I tease him all the time and we've even mated a few more times after my heat. I am so in love with him and I don't ever want it to stop. His hands on my body, his lips against mine, whispering to me. And every time he looks at me his eyes change to this beautiful golden brown.

He makes me feel safe and so loved. But the best part is that I can mind link him now. I can hear his thoughts and if I close my eyes I can see what he's imagining in his head. I knew the mate bond was strong. But I never knew it could actually make you stronger.

Ever since we officially mated I've felt different. I can run faster and I don't lose my breath. I can lift heavy stuff and I'm not as sensitive as before. It's like my body changed overnight. Before when I got hurt I would almost be in tears from the pain. But now.. It's bearable.

I smiled and flipped us sitting on his lap. He chuckled and caressed my cheek kissing me softly. "I want to stay here forever." He smiled softly and nodded. "I wish we could my love. But I have to get back." "Is this how our life will be together. Having to rush back all the time."

"Tonight will change that. At the festival tonight you are being announced as my Luna. Then what my father says has no control. I'll be head Alpha for real with you by my side." I bit my bottom lip and blushed softly. "What if I'm not good at it.." "My sweet Tae you are the best person to be a Luna. You always care for others and you always see the good in people even when they don't deserve it."

"Kookie he's my dad.." "That doesn't make up for what he did." I sighed softly and sat up looking down at him. "He just miss understood. He thought you would hurt me. Any father would do what he did." "Not mine. Pup we were raised differently." He sat up and held my waist softly.

"My father would have made me reject my mate if he even thought they could be a threat to him. He doesn't care about me or my sister. He was furious when my mother had a girl. And he will try and tell you what to do. He has to be in control."

"Then why are you Alpha and not him?" "Cause he's lazy, wants someone to boss around." "He's really mean." "Yes but his wolf is kind. My father went through a lot as a child to make him this way. My mother was the only reason he made it through."

"What happened?" He sighed softly and moved my hair. "That story is for another time. We should be getting back anyway." "One more?" He snickered and grabbed my nape pulling me back down with him our lips crashing together again.


"Are you sure I should wear this?" "Yes he'll love it." "It's short and I only wore that dress before cause I lost a dare. And I don't want them to think I'm weird. Boys don't wear dresses." "You sound like our grandpa. Tae you can wear whatever you want. And if they think you're weird screw them you are beautiful you should be aloud to show it off."

"What is he showing off?" I threw the dress and skipped over to him. "Nothing special." "Your beauty is definitely something special." He cupped my cheek kissing me softly and pulled back. "Why are you still not dressed?" "Depends, how much clothes does he have to wear?" "All of them." "I told you it was a bad idea."

"But you look so cute!" "What were you going to wear?" "A really cute dress." "No I wasn't. Lisa I told you I don't want to be in front of everyone like that." "If you want to wear the dress than you can pup. But don't worry about what they think of you. They will love you just like we do." "I don't want to get made fun of.."

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