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"Lady Luna, It's time." Ilianna said from the doorway of my room. I looked away from my vanity mirror and to her face. Her face was crestfallen and streaked with tears, as was mine I assumed.

I've been spaced out for over an hour, just looking ahead at myself in the mirror. My hair was done up in a simple bun, a few blonde strands framed my face. I had a black veil on my makeup table, waiting for me to put it on. It was customary in my kingdom for grieving female family members to wear veils to said family members funeral. They then wore it outside of their home for at least a week then could wear just black clothing.

I've dreaded this day ever since the palace doctor came to us a few days ago with the heartbreaking news: my mother, Queen Delilah of Werewolves and High Luna of all werewolves and packs under her rule, had succumbed to her illness and died. My father was broken, all of the staff and her advisors were absolutely wrecked, I was inconsolable. This would be the first time since that day I will be seen in public. I've been torturing myself by staring into mirrors, I look like a younger version of my mother. The only difference are my green eyes, those I get from my father.

Pfft, some father, he never hid his affairs very well from anyone, especially my mother. She knew exactly what he was doing, and who he was doing it with. The whole thing about 'soulmates' isn't true, there is no fated one person you wouldn't trade for the whole entire world, who your soul melds with perfectly. You choose to stay with the one you choose to stay with. It's hard work sometimes but it's true. And I don't exactly know what my mother sees...
Seen in him. Other than his sparkling eyes and boyish grin, I don't see why she chose him. His laugh is atrocious, his attitude is subpar, and he cheats on mom with anything that looks at him. I'm surprised he hasn't started finding our dogs attractive.

"Coraline." A gruff voice said from behind me. I jumped up from my seat and spun around, startled from my thoughts. Behind me stood my father, dark circles ever present under his eyes and a sunflower on his lapel. I frowned at him, staring at the flower.

"She wanted daisies."

"What?" Floyd Harrison, my so called father, asked confusedly. I keep staring at the sunflower frowning. He looked down at the flower, the confusion still on his face.

"Daisy, sunflower, same thing." He brushes off, offering me his hand. I refuse it and look at Ilianna instead.

"Ilianna, do you mind helping me put my veil on before the service? We'll meet you there, dad." I say dryly, motioning towards the door. He nods, leaving us. I sigh once he's gone and relax some.

"You know, he lost someone too. He lost his life partner, his wife, his queen. He's not here to ruin your life, he's just learning how to live again." She said softly, draping the veil over my head and then my face.

When it was in place I took her arm and she led me to our black limousine, and we both slid into the back seat.


When we made it to the funeral there were thousands upon thousands of people lining the streets, holding up signs with heartfelt messages and everyone we passed, male and female, wore black veils in mourning of their queen. Ilianna was in tears the whole drive to the funeral. Queen Luna Delilah, known as simply Luna Delilah to her people, was a beloved queen. Everyone adored her, from the young to the old, they say she was the best Queen Luna since my long great grandmother Queen Luna Mariah of the Galapagos. Her husband went of vacation with his parents to the islands and he seen her and swore that she was his soulmate. He felt a bond stronger than anything on earth to her, and had to have her as his queen. That was when people still believed in such ideas as mates and mate bonds.

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