part 7

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" will you asks him? " he xuan said

" yes "

and then the next day

" huh.. " xie lian said

" what is it? " feng xin asks

" he/she asks me.. to be his partner! "

" wtf? so you will be able to see him/her? " mu qing said

" i..i guess "

a teacher appear again

" xie lian, please hand this to hua cheng "

xie lian nodded and the other two was about to follow but xie lian stop them so the two stop

xie lian gone up already when someone bumped at him and he fell and luckily hua cheng catch him

" Oh!! Sorry! " the boy said

he xuan yelled " Be careful, Dumbass!!! "

Hua cheng stared at xie lian and he can't breathe his heart was beating so fast! he grit xie lian shoulder and xie lian was facing him

xie lian look at him too..

he xuan was smiling.. he never interpreted and then after awhile hua cheng lift up xie lian and said
" be careful, gege "

xie lian nodded and said " y- your h-hua cheng r-r-right? "

hua cheng nodded

xie lian handed something and said
" the teacher asks me to give this to you, and oh i'll take this, this is mine "

hua cheng saw the letter he made, he xuan too..

xie lian was walking away to them when he slip and bumped his head

" Xie Lian!! " he xuan yelled

Hua cheng rush to help xie lian but xie lian immediately got up and bump his head to hua cheng

" AAHH! i'm sorry! " xie lian said

"'s ok "

hua cheng was touching his head while he was sitting when xie lian face was too close to him and xie lian touch his hand and said

" let me look.."

hua cheng heart skipped a beat and he was too pale he keep moving backwards and almost hit his head at the wall but xie lian stop his head from hitting the wall

hua cheng look up, and he clearly saw xie lian goddess beauty , xie lian look down and smiled

" you almost hit your head" he said and he guide hua cheng to stand up, hua cheng stand up.. and he was still stiff

" be careful next time, sorry i hit your head.. "

" no.. that's no-nothing! " hua cheng said

" eh? oh.. i forgot to asks, do you already have partner for the upcoming ballroom? " xie lian asks

hua cheng was staring at xie lian and directly met xie lian eyes he said " no.. i was still waiting for that person answer, how about you gege? "

" ah? yes i already have " he smiled and added " have a nice day! "

and left

he xuan who was watching and didn't even disturb the two said " he have one? "

" who? " hua cheng said.. he look so gloomy


" Waaaaahhh i might not come to the ballroom! " hua cheng complain " i can't see him with another personn! "

he xuan said " now, calm down a bit "

" aaaahh.. " he bumped his head and now it's hurt " Ah! "

" what's wrong? "he xuan asks

" it's hurt? "

" you just bumped your head om him and how could it not hurt now that you bumped your head on your table? are you really an idiot? Huh Hua
Cheng?" he xuan said

" aaaahhh " sobs*

qi rong was just watching them and bai wuxiang too


" but.. "

he xuan smack him and said " i don't know you! " and leave

hua cheng was watching him leaving him he turned his gaze back to the window and saw xie lian who was happily running

hua cheng stand up and watch him

xie lian spotted hua cheng, so hua cheng hides..

" what's wrong? " bai wuxiang asks

" he is already krezi, don't mind him" qi rong said

hua cheng peek at the window and seeing him run happily again he smiled

" the ballroom! was tonight wohoo! "
qi rong said

hua cheng was gloomy again

the school ended there's no people at the campus and hua cheng came back to look at the letter and he got reply from xie lian

hua cheng took it and go back home.. hua cheng gone home and open it

he was too scared to read it and he was staring at his red suit

he started reading it and his heart was beating so fast

" hi, i will wear white suit rn.. just approach me, i accept it.. i will be your partner! "

hua cheng was still staring and some tears flowing, tears of joy

he jump and jump and he was screaming and he  rolled too and then he immediately wash up and after he wash up he wore the red suit and made his self become more handsome

he arrived at the campus many girls was staring at him

he spotted he xuan and run to he xuan

" you come? " he xuan said

" yes!! it's me!! it's mee!!! " hua cheng was too happy and he was slapping he xuan

" good for you, but.. my suit stop! i need to look perfect for my qingxuan! " he xuan said

" oh, sorry.. "

" so how will you approach him? " he xuan asks

" oh.. like.. secret "

" you really love secret aren't you? "

mu qing arrived he was wearing black suit and he was handsome and feng xin followed

" why? "

" huh? " he xuan wonder

" where's xie lian? "

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