Ninjago: Cursed World

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Soooo... I wrote something.  I  was thinking of rewriting and revamping my Possession rewrite, and this was what I came up with spontaneously.

I want to write a "Preeminent Wins" AU and see what might've happened after.  Like would the seasons still happen after Possession.

I'm honestly thinking of continuing this story, but for now, I just have this one-shot.

Other than that, enjoy the story!


The temperature was dropping rapidly by the minute. Winds with the force of a hurricane blew past, sending shrapnel and debris and anything that wasn't bolted down flying through the air. If the villagers of Stiix wanted to remain unscathed from the onslaught of wind and random objects, they had to stay indoors. It didn't help that the winds were strong enough to rip houses from the weak, half rotting stilts and supports that kept the town above water. It didn't help that so much of the infrastructure and architecture was already ruined by the ghosts' rampage through the village on their search for gourmet burgers.

It definitely didn't help that the leader of this cursed army was currently in the process of conjuring up a funnel cloud, which soon touched down to the planks, forming a tornado.

The tallest tower in the village was torn off its supports, flying up in large pieces in a slow spiral around a solitary figure, their body glowing softly with a harsh green light.

Morro was the Preeminent's "chosen one", the leader of the ghost army, and the one sent by the queen to ensure the mission went successfully. Usually he was in the standard black and green uniform and armour that was required for all Cursed Army soldiers to wear, with his hair tied because the Preeminent apparently believed in the power of appearances. She was one to talk, because she never showed her true appearance, save for that one time Soul Archer came back from a meeting with the queen and was only muttering about stitched up mouths and glowing eyes.

Since the queen wasn't here, and he was technically in charge, he had tossed that 'appearance rule' out the window, and had opted for a more comfortable pale green gi and a torn black cape he'd found in Ronin's pawn shop.

He always thought the armour was too constricting, and having his hair tied all the time hurt his scalp even though he technically had no nerves.

Like the element he wielded, Morro hated being restrained and controlled. But he tolerated whatever the Preeminent told him to do and did it because she could kill him for the second time in an instant if she wanted to.

He looked down, spotting a blond, green-clad figure jumping from wood plank to wood plank, a determined expression on his face.

The Green Ninja — Lloyd Garmadon. The boy who stole his destiny. The boy who never had to work hard to earn the green gi. All Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon had to do was exist, and everything he wanted was handed to him.

Morro knew there was more to that; he'd possessed the boy, and in doing so, he had discovered so many of Lloyd's secrets that had been buried under the mask of the Green Ninja. And for a moment, a bit of pity rose. Because Morro understood what it was like to be alone, what it was like to have no one to turn to in a dire time of need.

"Morro, you can stop this!" Lloyd exclaimed, using Airjitzu to fly onto a rotating plank around the ghost ninja.

He felt a stab of anger and all the pity vanished in a second. How dare Lloyd use Airjitzu, use the power of flight and wind to his advantage. How dare he try to use the pity tactic against him.

"What do you mean stop this?" Morro asked rhetorically. His hair whipped around in the forceful gales, as did his cape. "Stop what? Stop me from being loyal to my queen? Stop me from finally doing enough to proVE THAT I AM WORTHY?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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