chapter four: summer before 4th year.

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*filler chapter*


Harry and Lyra spent the beginning of the three long months playing Quidditch. They played all day long with James, training to get better for the new season. She was the youngest beater in a century and Harry the youngest seeker.

Apparently, her father was a beater as well. He used his pent up anger- from Snape, his horrid family- and used it on the quaffle as hard as he could hit. Of course, she does the same. Obviously.

She now sees what everyone means when they say she's like her father.

In the beginning of July, she got a letter. A letter from her new friend Adalia. She practically screamed when she got it. It said that she lived nearby- Falmouth- and wanted to see if Lyra wanted to hang out.

Now, Lyra didn't trust people easily. That was a given since her parents were murdered because of their "best friend". Yet, she trusted Adalia right away. She seemed trustworthy. James and Lily seemed to think so as well. Harry hadn't really talked to her yet, so he didn't know.

Adalia is a halfblood witch, born from Amelia and Perseus Shaw on the 22th of August 1980. She didn't really talk about her childhood very much. She mostly asked about Lyra and how hers was. She would always look Lyra in the eye when they talked, and smiled whenever Lyra was passionate about something. Lyra's stomach did a flip when she smiled.

She laughed a lot too which Lyra didn't mind because damn she loved that sound. Yes, she had only known her for two months but, Lyra felt like she had known her forever. Lyra had begun harboring a crush on her- that she knew. She knew she felt something different for Adalia then she did for Hermione when they first met.

Of course, she would never tell her. She didn't even know how she would react. I mean how would you react if someone you have only known for 3 months and was only just considered friends with had a massive crush on you? Thought so.

"Harry, Lyra, James! It's time to get ready for the match!" Lyra's godmother, who Lyra considered a mom, Lily Potter screamed out to them. 

She had beautiful, long dark auburn hair- the color she wished she could rock- with these piercing green eyes that were distinct to her and Harry. I loved their eyes. She was a lot like me- fierce, kind, someone who doesn't take anyone's shit. James was in love with her since the moment he'd laid eyes on her. Lily? She despised him and it took 7 goddamn years for them together.

Her parents though, got together in 5th year. They were best friends, and roomates. So cliche. They were also total opposites. Remus Lupin was a boy who wore oversized sweaters, liked to study and hit the books more than go out. He was prefect and could've been Head Boy but said no, and overall was shy. Sirius Black on the other hand, had a mischievous grin, leather jacket, long dark hair and tattoos. He did not like to study and would rather drink or pull pranks.

But, the two of them they were good for each other. Everyone who knew them saw it.

"Lyra Lily Lupin-Black! Come on!" Lily exclaimed.

I got out of my daze and ran inside to get ready for the Ireland vs Bulgaria game. A professional match! It was going to be the most amazing day! Adalia, Ron, Hermione and the rest of the Weasley's were going to be there and I was so excited.

Emphasis on was.

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