Episode 1 "The Berry and the Therapist"

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The sun was shining as it rose above the busy streets of Big Apple City. The birds chirped as they came out of their nests, raccoons were resting for their daily trash hunting, and the people were just waking up from a long night of rest.

In one apartment, thirteen year old Strawberry Shortcake was still resting from another night at the Berryworks. Her pink hair was frazzled as she rose from her bed.

"Oh, Strawberry," Called her Aunt Praline from downstairs. "Time to get up!"

Strawberry groaned. "Just five more minutes!" She called back. "I was at the Berryworks all night whipping up some pastries for today."

"Okay, then I guess you don't want any breakfast."

That made Strawberry shoot up from her bed. "Breakfast?" She hopped off her bed and ran for the bedroom door. "Wait! I changed my mind! Don't eat without me!"

Strawberry headed for the kitchen to see her Aunt already eating some breakfast. A plate with eggs and bacon sat next to her. "Wait a minute? Did you say that just to make me get up?"

"Yep," Said Aunt Praline. "and it worked, too."

Strawberry Shortcake shook her head playfully and sat down with her aunt. She grabbed her fork and took a bite of her eggs.

Aunt Praline took a sip of her coffee. "So, Strawberry, I'm going to be out for a while and I need some groceries for dinner tonight." She said as she grabbed her purse. "Do you think you can stop by the store and grab some things on your way back home?"

"Of course, Auntie. Me and Custard can do some shopping later. Right, girl?" Strawberry asked as she turned to her pink cat. Custard meowed in agreement.

"Thank you, Strawberry." Praline said. She grabbed her car keys and headed for the door. "I love you so much! Bye!" She left the apartment and was gone.

Strawberry got up from her chair and brought her plate to the sink. "So, Custard, ready to go to the Berryworks?" The cat meowed and stretched her legs. "Alright, then. Let's go!"

Strawberry opened her backpack and Custard hopped in. Strawberry then grabbed her food truck keys and headed out. She ran down the stairs and outside.

The city was now getting more busy as people from all over the world came to visit. The horns of cars and buses echoed through the streets as Strawberry hopped in her food truck, The Extraordinary Berry. She inserted the key into the ignition and started the engine.

The lights of the power module lit up and Strawberry drove away from the apartment. She looked at the sights as she drove by.

"It's more busy than usual today, ain't it, Custard?" Strawberry asked her cat. But Custard didn't care. She was too busy scratching her neck with her hind leg. "Okay, then. You look busy."

Strawberry continued to look at the sights. She noticed the Times Square where she first explored the city. She looked at the other side of her truck and saw that Cherry Jam was playing on the screen of a tower.

"Oh my gumdrops, it's Cherry Jam!" Strawberry cried as she parked her car next to the sidewalk. "She lives here in Big Apple City? I can't believe it!"

Strawberry looked to see some people going into a cafe called "Time Square". She smiled. She could use some tea to spruce up the day. She walked in and was met with a ton of customers chatting and eating.

"Wow," Said Strawberry. "This place must be really popular."

"Well, you're half correct."

Strawberry jumped as she turned around to see a 16 year old boy wearing a purple shirt, and brown pants. He had slick white gray hair and emerald green eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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