Senna Season 8A episode 3

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*Abigail's Hospital*

*T.V. Break Room*

*Senna and Abigail walks in and Hayden and Mason looks at them*

Abigail-This is the new T.V.,Senna Blake.Treat her with kindness.
Hayden-Are you serious?
Mason-He means yes ma'am.
Abigail-Yeah,that's what he better meant.

*Abigail leaves,and Mason looks at Hayden with a scared face*

Hayden-Why are you here?
Senna-I heard that you and your girlfriend broke up.
Hayden-How can you known that all the way from New York?

*Mason looks at Senna*

Mason-What is the truth,Senna?
Senna-Are you accusing me of something?
Mason-Yes,I am.
Senna-Is this because I'm black?
Mason-I'm black too,and so is Hayden.
Senna-Can you just give me my work?
Hayden-Go do the trash.

*Senna leaves*

Mason-How did that news go all the way to New York?
Hayden-What if Harold said something?
Mason-He has been your friend for longer then ten years.
Hayden-Like Miraya said "Some people can have a dark side,even the people you known your whole life".

*Abigail's Office*

Abigail-What are you going to do after work?
Dr.Geyer-Take my wife and son,to the movies.
Abigail-You have a wife and son?
Dr.Geyer-Yes,your T.V.,Mason,is his best friend.
Abigail-I did not know that.I should really be paying attention to these T.V.'s

*Senna walks in*

Abigail-What is so hard about knocking?
Senna-I need to file a complaint about Hayden.
Dr.Geyer-I should go.

*Dr.Geyer leaves*

Abigail-Sit down.

*Senna sits down*

Abigail-What happened?


Abigail-Where is Hayden?
Mason-Doing dishes,why?
Abigail-Did you and Hayden threaten Senna?
Abigail-She said you did.
Mason-She is trying to get back together with Hayden,and he said no.
Mason-That is not a excuse.
Abigail-I thought I could trust you Mr.Hewitt.
Mason-You can.
Abigail-Just go home for the day.
Mason-But,my work.

*Mason leaves*


*Abigail walks in,and Hayden looks at Abigail with a mad face*

Hayden-Uh,oh.What did I do?

*what will happen*

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