Chapter 5 Body

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Stiles dragged us out into the preserve in his old beat up jeep.

"Are we seriously doing this right now guys!?" I exclaim after getting out of the jeep.

"Hey you two are always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town," Stiles counters and wraps an arm around my shoulder to make the point.

"I was trying to get a good nights sleep before practice tomorrow," Scott complains.

"Right cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," Stiles taunts.

"No because I'm playing this year. I'm fact I'm making first line," Scott declares, grabbing my hand as we walk into the woods. Stiles leads us with his flashlight.

"That good everyone should have a dream even a pathetically unrealistic one," Stiles laughs. He has accepted his benched fate.

"He's gonna make it Stiles just you watch. I'll be cheering him and Danny on every step of the way," I chime in, beaming in pride. "And Jackson too I guess."

"Just out of curiosity which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asks changing the subject making Stiles stop in his tracks.

"Huh I didn't even think about that," Stiles mutters.

"And uh what if whatever killed the body is still out here?" I add on smirking.

"Also something that I didn't think about," Stiles responds shrugging as if these small facts didn't matter.

"It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attempting to detail," Scott scoffs sarcastically before bending down to crawl up a steep hill after Stiles. I follow in suit.

"I know," Stiles exclaims,  buts it muffled, because he put his flashlight in his mouth so he could use both hands to climb. Scott starts to cough so I push him up against a tree allowing him to rest a minute.

In the corner of my eye I see lights in the distance. It must be the cops.

"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight," Scott suggests, coughing, and pulls out his inhaler. He however does not use it instead rushes after Stiles who has thrown himself on the ground to spy on the police. Scott follows after Stiles getting on the ground next to him while I'm stuck behind a tree.

"Wait, come on!" Stiles encourages jumping up and dashing towards the police flashlights and dogs.

"Stiles!" Scott and I snap.

"Lets not go towards the police who can arrest us for being out after curfew!" I whisper yell. Scott takes a deep breath in his inhaler and we rush after the over excited teen.

"Wait up" Scott hisses. "Stiles! Stiles!"

"Wait Scott!" I whisper and grab Scott pulling him behind a tree and hiding behind another myself. "He's going right towards the cops we'll get caught!" I was right seconds later Stiles falls right in fronting a police dog.

"Stay right there!" The dogs officer orders.

"Hang on hang on. This little delinquent belongs to me." I hear the sheriff say but I don't dare look.

"Hey dad how are you?" Stiles inquires casually. I slowly peer out cautiously.

"So uh you listening to all my phone calls?" Stiles father, John, inquires.

"Psh no not the boring ones."

"Well where's your usual partners in crime?"

"What Scott and Secely! Scott and Secely are home said they wanted to get a good nights sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow. Its just me in the woods..alone," Stiles lies. I wince at the awkward time in his voice. He'll give us all away!

"Scott Secely you out there?" John shouts and flashes the flashlight at the trees. I duck back behind the tree and hold my breath hoping he doesn't see me. "Well young man I'm gonna walk you back to your car. Then you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy." The sheriff walks Stiles away and soon the other cops disperse as well. Leaving Scott and I behind without a flashlight.

"Shit Stiles had the flashlight" I swear and grabs Scott's arm. Scott moans in annoyance as clings to me.

Together we slowly stroll back towards the direction we came jumping at every noise. A particularly loud branch crack makes me turn around.

"Wait Scott what's that?" Scott shrugs and takes out his inhaler for another puff. Before he can even bring it to his mouth a stampede of deer barge out from the woods right at us.

"AHH" we both scream and trip onto our backs as the deer jump over us. As soon as they're gone I leap to my feet and pull Scott up.

"We are leaving now," I snap.

"Wait my inhaler I dropped it," Scott whines.

"Scott! Come on," I admonish but pull out my phone and use the little light it gives off to look around. We both shuffle through some leaves and walk around crouched low looking for it.

"AHHH," Scott yells suddenly. I whip around to see him tumbling down a hill the body lying right where he was standing.

My stomach turns in protest at the sight and I nearly gag. It's horrific.

"When I said I wanted to see bottomless girls this isn't what I meant!" I wail and roll down the hill after Scott. The image is grained into my brain and I want to puke. I roll next to Scott and grab him. "Oh god Scott the poor girl!"

"I know Secely but right now we can't worry about her we need to get out of here," Scott points out and staggers to his feet using a fallen tree for support. Then he helps me up and over the tree. Together we start through the woods again. Loud growling makes us both pause and a shiver runs down my spine. Dread building up I take a peek behind us and see a huge wolf. It only stays still for a moment then it surges forward tackling Scott to the ground and dragging him back.

"SCOTT NO!" I screech and hurl my phone at it. The wolf chomps down on Scott's side causing Scott to scream in pain. Adrenaline pumping through my system I grab a branch and hit the wolf hard in the nose. It lets go whimpering and I use my advantage to clamp my hand on Scott's arm and lug him away. Breaking off into a sprint we make out escape stumbling on branches and rocks as we go. Finally we veer off into a road just as a red van comes up. I hear the breaks screech and see the van swerve to miss us before driving on past us. It doesn't stop. "Oh my GOD are you okay?!"

"Yes I'm fine just a small bite," Scott replies wincing as I lift up his shirt.

"Small!?!? Small!?!? Scott this isn't no big deal! A wolf bit you you could have rabies!" I exclaim waving my hands wildly. "We need to call mom right now!"

"Secely please I just want to go to bed then school. If I show signs of rabies then you can tell mom. Please Secely don't call her," Scott pleads folding his hands. Then he gives me that stupid puppy dog look and I melt.

"Goddammit fine. But if you die its your fault!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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