Chapter 1

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"Silence!" Snape snapped.

The students stopped talking. "I don't come here everyday to listen to all you arguing like animals," He said in a low voice.

Everyone groaned as they heard the next words, "New seating plan."

"Parkinson with Brown. Zabini and Longbottom. Weasley and Nott. Granger and Patil." He ticked off the names from a piece of parchment.

He listed off names until he reached to the last two remaining people, "....Malfoy and Potter."

Harry gasped and opened his mouth to retort but Ron shushed him. "He won't listen. Besides, It's just for one day. You'll be fine." He shrugged and patted his shoulder sympathetically.

Harry huffed and slumped down on his chair. Ron and Hermione gave him apologetic smiles and went to their partners. A lips turned into a small pout, as he stared at the table, his fingers drumming against it in a striking rhythm.

Draco sneered and sat next to him, a tension hung between them. His gaze hardened when he looked over at Potter.

Half the class expected them to hex each other that very second, but nothing happened, to their utter surprise.

"Turn to page 115 and start brewing. I expect a perfect potion from each one of you by the end of this class." Snape's voice broke the tension in the room. His voice echoing in the Potions classroom.

Harry and Draco looked at each other. Draco opened his mouth to speak but Harry beat him to it.

Harry sighed, "I'll get the ingredients," He picked up his Potions book and went to the storage closet.

Draco narrowed his eyes at his back, "Don't mess up!" He called to him. Harry rolled his eyes.

Harry took the ingredients from the cabinet and placed them on the table carefully.

"I'll do the stirring, you chop the ingredients," Draco ordered. Harry rolled his eyes, "Fine."

A few minutes later, they were both working in silence with an occasional insult or two. Otherwise, everything went smoothly.

Twenty minutes later, they were done with their potion.

Snape raised his brows and pursed his lips in annoyance. "Good job." He muttered under his breath, reluctantly. Snape sneered slightly, he was really looking for a way to mock Potter.

Harry sighed in relief as Snape walked away, "You doubt my skills, Potter?" Draco looked at him. Harry shook his head.

"Not really, but I didn't expect Snape to approve." Draco hummed in agreement.

Snape dismissed them when the time was up. Harry hurriedly packed his bag, pushing all of the contents inside it messily.

He left with Ron on his heels as they raced to the common room like little children. "Race ya!" Ron shouted, "You're on!" Harry laughed. Their footsteps could be heard loudly over the other students as they shouldered past them.

Hermione shook her head fondly and followed them in a hurry, trying to catch up, "Hey! Wait up for me!"

Draco ignored this, he was busy looking for his Potions book he had kept on the table. He looked below the table, on the table and beside the table. He even checked his bag twice. But to his luck, he couldn't find it.

How will he complete his essay now? He thought worriedly, the essay is due Monday.

Then a thought struck him.

Potter must have taken it! He grunted in vexation. Slinging his bag over his shoulder he strutted out of the classroom.


Draco cornered Harry after lunch, his eyes narrowed at the black-haired boy.

"You took my Potions book with you when you left!" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"I did?" Draco sighed and nodded. Why is he so forgetful? Draco thought. Harry's face was full of confusion, but it soon morphed into that of realisation.

"Oh," Harry ducked his head coyly which Draco found rather cute. He shook his head of these..... atrocious thoughts.

"Well, give it to me." Draco said a matter-of-factly. Harry shrugged, "I don't have my bag right now and I'm on my way to Quidditch practice," Harry held out his Firebolt as if to give him proof that he wasn't lying.

Draco exhaled sharply, "I don't care, go get my book!"

"But the Common Room is so far! I'm not walking all the way back!"

"Then give me the Password. I'll get it myself." He jutted his chin upward.

"Nice try, but no. You'll get it by dinner tonight." Harry gave him a look.

Draco scoffed, "Fine." He turned on his heel and left Harry alone.

Harry stared at his back and wondered why the blond hadn't hexed him for taking his beloved Potions book.

A million thoughts in his head, Harry went to the Quidditch field.


Harry forgot to bring his book.

Draco was extremely frustrated and angry.

"I'm sorry, alright! I got busy and I forgot!"

Draco huffed and narrowed his eyes. "I want my book, now!" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"At least let me eat first! It's not like you have to study in the middle of dinner." Harry said desperately, "You'll get your book! It's not like I'm gonna keep it for myself."

Draco pursed his lips, "Fine! Fine! Last chance. Owl it to me when you reach your common room. Okay?" He raised his eyebrows at him.

Harry nodded and saluted mockingly. "Yes."

"And this time, don't forget!"


Harry reached the common room and completely forgot about the book again.

It was about eleven in the night when an owl knocked at the window. He opened the scroll. Oops! He thought sheepishly.

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