Strawberry milkshake each afternoon with a dash of hugs and giggles.
Being with the both of you makes me happy, as we are one family. Plenty of singing, cuddling and good memories. I laugh like its summer and I'm comforted when it's gloomy.
A Father and a Mother with a touch of Granny’s care. A smile forming in my lips signifies the love I received.
Warm food, Warm love, Warm home.
Lining up with the others, hoping to be pick, crossing my fingers to finally be received.
A Father and a Mother walked past me, thoughts of waiting for another year is coming at me. An excitement turned to sadness in no time. When will I be spared and will no longer be called an orphaned?
A hot fluid running down in my cheeks, thoughts sorrounding my mind. A warmth of a family, I shall never understand.
Cold food, Cold love, Cold cell.