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Tom and Sabine were disappointed in Marinette when they learned how she been treating Luka. They grounded her for three months.

They apologized to Luka. They didn't mean to make him feel the way they did. They were just concern for his safety. But they knew that didn't give them the rights to pick Adrien over him.

When Jagged Stone learned the truth. He wanted Marinette thrown in jail or a mental hopsital. But he was reminded that if it was brought to court. It would be thrown out or Luka would be one in prison

Cause sadly a sire has more status then a man does. A sire who is poor and homeless had more rights then the richest man in the world.

Also they tell Luka that it was his fault. One from dating Marinette. Since it is socially wrong for a man to be with a sire. Two he thought he could dominate a sire. Third he had verbal and physical harmed a socialite like Adrien. Who is paris's most beautiful gem.

Jagged Stone closed his mouth. He was fighting a losing battle. A battle he had fought most of his life. He had to fight against Sires. Who thought they were better then him. Now he is fighting for his son.

Sabine brought up Choles idea of seeing a therapist. But she also stated that Marinette will see a sire specialist. But Luka would have to go with Marinette. It took three weeks before Jagged Stone agreed to those terms.

At their first therapy session. Was the first time they seen each other in three weeks. Jagged Stone and Jukela kept Marinette and the rest of the gang far away from Luka. Before the truth was revealed. Jukela had known there was issues in her brothers relationship. But she hadn't known everything.

Luka ignored Mari. Ha sat far away from her. The therapist watched them closely. The next few sessions went like this.

By the forth session. Mari had treid to tell her side of the story. But Luka would rebut it and make nasty comments. And then they would start to argue. So the session was canceled. It went like this for next few sessions.

By the tenth session. Mari was tired and anger. She wasn't allowed to speak. And if she did. She had Luka down her thoart. Sadly she had to have the sessions with him. That was Jagged Stones main request.

The therapist had sent Luka out for the fifth time that session. He rubbed his sore eyes. This is why he hates dealing with sire and men relationships. This was not his first. And he knows it won't be his last.

He will have to change it up. So by session twelve. He told Luka to stay quiet. He had enough of Lukas tantrum. They were here for both Mari and Luka. They were not here for just Luka. So let Mari speak.

He listened to Mari. And knew that he needed to get hold of his colleague a sire specialist. Maris inner sire was forming or had formed its own personality. Taking in control when she  angered or forced into submission. Which is not good for a young sire. Amd those around them.

But when he brought it up. Luka tried debuffed him. Stating Mari was lying. That Mari did enjoyed being submissive. Mari looked disgusted. She was annoyed that even now he still thought that.

The therapist canceled their session. And by the next one. They were introduced to the sire specialist. She shook both of their hands. And kept good leash on both of them. Now she is not a sire. But has spent enough time with sires and researching that she was expert on sires.

She did not let them speak. She handed them each a pamphlet. It was about how sire and men relationships work out. She explained that Mari was correct. The only way a sire and a man relationship has every worked out is when they bring in a carrier or woman.

That most times when a third party is not involved. A sire will slowly lose control of their inner instincts. It forms a second personality. The original personality is kinda aware of what's going on. But they can't control it. As though their puppets on a string.

It is also proven that men who have domanite personalities are the only men to fall for sires. Because they believe sires to be just like woman. And think it is challenge and a thrill to domanite something that shouldn't be domanited.

Some are not aware of this. Just like Luka. He does love her. But he also loves the thrill to control her more then he love her.

Both Sires and these types of men are prideful creatures. When they are told and proven that it wouldnt work. They will force themselves to be tougher to prove others wrong. She hates that this is not taught in schools. She has seen many boys and sires destroy their futures over it.

She has seen them fall in love with each other. But their relationship is always toxic. She also knows they can't really break up. Not just cause of their pride and love. But because of sires possessive personalities.

The inner instinct of a sire will reject the man. But still be possessive of the man. And will not let him go or let him be harmed by others. One of her ex patients had deid when he had left his sire. The police arrived to late to save him. She had strangled him to death.

But somehow bringing in a third party. Will lead the possessiveness to cling to both. The sire will not get jealous of the carrier or female for being close to her man. But make the sire feel calm and relax.

Both Lukas and Maris heads were spinning from the information. It was too much in a short period of time. The specialist ends the session.

Two weeks later they return. Luka had research more about sires. And was introduced to the male model that Adrien befriended.

The boy talked to Luka about his feelings. And helped him realize how much he truly loved Adrien. How much of ass he had been to the carrier. He learned that compared to the models relationship. His one with Mari wasn't so bad.

Both him and Mari meet the models sire and carrier. They were a  lovely pair. And it would be hard to believe. That the sire who is a big clumsy softie use to be abusive.

They answered the teenagers question about their relationship and how polygamous relationship would work.

They went back to therapy. Luka talked about his feelings and talked about what he learned about himself.

He always had abandonment issues and too much pride. He felt that when Mari finally got Adrien. She would leave him. He didn't want to be hurt.

He also hated upon Adrien and Mari. Because he hated himself for falling for someone else awhile still being in relationship with Mari. Even if he didn't realize his own feelings for Adrien.

He was jealous of how close Mari was to Adrien. He had thought it was because of Adrien. But no he had been jealous of Mari. That he kept forcing Mari to bottom. Was because he wanted to breed Adrien so badly.

He had a hard time getting Mari to notice him and when she did. He didn't want her to stop. But he knew like him her head was turned by a beautiful kitten.

He also feared deep down that. What if Adrien would not love him. But only love Mari. What if Mari leaves him? What if they both leave him? He wouldn't been able to deal with it. So instead he hurt them. And got hurt by Mari.

Look at Mari and Adrien. And then look at him. They are a handsome sire and beautiful carrier. And add to it. Adrien comes from rich family.

Mari shuts him up and pulled him into her arms. "I fell for you. For who you are. Not the money you have. I love my little snake. He is the cutest snake I ever had. And I know that our little kitten loves him too". She pointed out all his talents and skills. And how much he is worth to the people around him. Especially their families and friends.

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