Chris Evan Rafton (Zompiggy)

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Christopher Evan Rafton, otherwise know as The Zompiggy. Is a Black male Zombie pig that died at the age of 31. Chris was a very violent person but it wasn't really his fault. He was born to a life of combat and he wins by any means necessary. He was 5 when he committed his first genocide that consisted of 9 people dead and 13 badly injured and was 1 when he commuted his first homicide. He later admits that he had a wonderful time killing people, he thought of killing as somewhat like a game that he was an undefeated reigning champion at. Through his whole life every now and then Mr. Rafton would feel this stupidly strong urge to take a few peoples lives. Mr. Rafton was a mentally unstable person who was mentally incapable and couldn't feel any emotion that had any kind of similarity to remorse. And such a mental disability did wonders for Chris since his family comes from a really long line of assassins and other killers. Chris since the day he was born was trained as if he was a super marine. Like some Doomguy, Master chief, Rambo type shiz dude. Heck his mom gave birth to him during a fight to the death and used the umbilical cord to choke her opponent to death.

Christopher's favorite method of killing involves every way that will allow him to get his hands dirty. He had weapons of choice too. Christopher one day in his adult life made a battle axe and a spiked sledgehammer that are both about the size of a street sign. But later he gets rid of the axe and uses and actual street sign. Not only that his other favorite method of killing would be slowly eating people. So not only is he a serial killer but he's also a cannibal.

So he does what you would usually do with a battle axe or Sledgehammer. Like chopping, impaling, castrating, smashing, breaking and other stuff. But thats not to say that he didn't also like using guns a turrets and cannons and stuff. Cuz he does like using those things. Chris used these things to commit a bunch of murders and has even killed demon and vampires and werewolves among other things with them. Chris didn't know that he killed supernatural beings when he was alive. He thought they were normal humans and anthropormorphians. Chris took up the jobs of bounty hunter, assassin, hit man, any profession that legally allows him to kill. But don't worry, he'll murder you illegally too, Chris doesn't discriminate.

Overtime, Chris's Street sign sized Sledgehammer and Battle axe collected so much mystic and spiritual blood, that it gained the ability to be able to touch ghosts. Almost in a sense, making a weapon fit to be a grim reaper weapon. Heck Chris killed a grim reaper before, 3 actually. After awhile Chris died living a life in which he was never caught or imprisoned for his crimes. The Rafton family gave Chris an open burial. Chris wanted to die with his battle axe and Sledgehammer with him in his arms when his family buried him, and he did. After a day of being six feet underground. Remnant of Chris's Spirit was infused into his two favorite weapons. So a small part of Chris was still on earth while the rest of his soul was in hell meeting with Satan, the sin of wrath.

As Chris fell into the pit, all he could see was fire and brimstone. When he landed in the six realm of hell, he was instantly forced into the battle of his afterlife. All he saw before him was war, battle, destruction, and mass genocide. It was certainly a sight to behold. As he looked at what was happening around him, Chris couldn't help but crack a big smile. It took only a minute of awe, and Chris jumped into the fray about as excited as a small Child going to a toy store. He charged in head first killing dozens of people at a time.

In a short matter of time, Hell already wanted Chris out of there. People were for real like "Get this guy outta here! He's doin way to much! He's actually doin the most, take care of this!"

Chris was way stronger in Hell than in the living world. That is due to his innumerable abundance of sins that translated into power upon arriving in hell. In hell, Mr. Rafton was about strong enough to destroy continents in his base form. Yes I wrote base form. After adventuring through a whole rural city area of demons, Chris happened to come across Satan himself, seeing that someone had dared to approach him, Satan was about to fight to destroy Chris. Chris didn't object to a good fight and the two began scrapping. By the end of the fight Chris has arose victorious, Satan was impressed by Chris's unprecedented power and skills. And Chris learned something new about himself, Since Chris was a cannibal in his past life, that, upon arriving in hell, translated into Chris being turned into something akin to a vampire.

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