Chapt 6

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The drive back to the pack house wasn't as annoying as I thought it was going to be. Andrew for the most part refrained from grilling me with too many questions, only really asking me how many guys I'd dated before and what my dating life was really like, which coming from him, was pretty mild.

As we pulled into the driveway, we were greeted by the usual two stoic wolves that acted as guards. Usually there was a rotation so that no one had to stand on guard duty for too many days. Afterall, it could get rather boring just having to stand there with nothing else to do. Most wolves actually saw guard duty as a hassle, so it was used as a form of punishment, giving the offending wolves more days on guard duty the more severe the offence. These two guys for some reason really seemed to enjoy it. At one point they used to get into trouble just so they would get more days on guard duty. Eventually the Alpha made them the official Pack house guards and they quickly settled down from all the mischief they used to find themselves in.

On one hand, it makes sense to have guards stationed at the most important house of the pack, but at the same time it's pretty redundant. Not many other packs would dare to attack us, much less, other members of the supernatural world. Even if they wanted to attack us, there was no way they would make it to the front door of the pack house. If they did, that meant that every wolf outside of the pack house would have already been killed and it wouldn't really matter if the pack house was guarded or not at that point.

The pack house, though it is called that, doesn't actually house the entire pack. It's mainly used as a storage place for important pack stuff and a meeting place to hold important celebrations or gatherings. Only the alpha and his family, his second in command and a few powerful wolves actually lived in the pack house. The other wolves lived in other houses in the forest.

I quickly hopped out of the pickup truck and marched over to the front door. I needed to talk with my dad, and if there was one place he was bound to be at this time of the day it was going to be here.

Walking through the living room I stumbled upon my mother sitting and chatting with the Luna of the pack. I was surprised to see mom here, since she normally doesn't spend much time around the pack house, only bothering to show up for pack meetings and meals. She especially doesn't usually find herself having teatime with the Luna.

"Damien? Your home early, how was your day? Anything interesting happen today at school dear?" Even though she was trying, I could still hear the expectancy in her voice. I hadn't been the only one filled with excitement at the prospect of finding my mate today, and though she was most likely dying to ask, she wasn't the type to up front about it.

"Hey mom, good evening Luna. My day wasn't too bad, I guess. Uh...I wouldn't say anything interesting happened today per say. . . Is dad here?"

She looked at me and I could tell she hadn't believed a word that had come out of my mouth. One way or another she was going to get the answers she wanted, whether I had any intentions of cooperating or not.

"Really? Nothing happened today at all? That's strange, because I recall getting a call from Mike today telling us that you were the only pack member who was late this morning. Why was that dear?"

I froze, as I hadn't though that news about me playing hooky in the woods this morning would have travelled so fast. I thought the General wouldn't have been able to spill the beans until he returned to the pack later tonight. Did he really need to call ahead? Damn bastard.

"W-Well yeah...I was a little late this morning, but that's because I got held up in the forests on my way there. Nothing major and I still managed to get the notes from one of the others anyway." Even as the words left my mouth, I knew they were going to make a big deal out of it.

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