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The beautiful autumn leaves fell around me as I ran up the steps of the palace .

The first day of autumn, how exciting!

"Revna stop right there you had better have a good reason for being so late" my brothers voice boomed down the palace corridor "and look at the state of you " Volstagg made haste toward me and stood there waiting for an explanation.

" I'm sorry brother I lost track of time I apologize " I stated as I bowed my head , my heart stalled as I felt Thor's hand touch my shoulder and heard his voice behind me " Volstagg be kind dear friend tonight is a celebration of your sister ,now run along meyla and ready yourself tonight we drink to you"

I turned round and lifted my head to look at him in appreciation this god of a man his long blonde hair his blue eyes his broad shoulders set my heart on fire everytime I laid eyes on him I yearned for him so much .

I looked to my left and saw the polar opposite ....Loki words my friends cannot describe how much I loath this excuse for a man his black greasy hair the look of utter contempt that he gave everyone below him I hated his very existence .

Sif cut through my thoughts " come Revna let us ready ourselves, for tonight will be long and joyous tonight you become a woman" I took the hand offered and kissed my brother on the cheek as I passed " see you later spud" I said over my shoulder hoping to get one last glance at Thor , unfortunately I only locked eyes with Loki .

I headed to my room hurried along by Sif and my handmaiden Xena Frigga was waiting at the door for me " I have laid out your dress my child " she said kissing the top of my head .

Frigga had assisted raising me when I arrived 8 years ago to be my brothers ward our father having passed 12 years ago and then mother passing 4 years later , I adored Frigga she had always treated me like the daughter she never had .

"Now hurry child bathe quickly so we can do something with that nest you call hair" I giggled as I ran into the bathroom and eased myself into the bath laying back and closing my eyes I remembered the day I arrived .

Frigga sat in the garden holding me as I cried in grief whispering words of comfort Volstagg my poor brother didn't know how to handle my grief I was but 10 and he was 25 when I came into his care but Frigga she knew how to comfort and care for me , she became my tutor my confidant my mother I loved her from the moment I met her and obeyed her every word .

I was today 18 years old officially a woman in Asgard and there would be a huge celebration in my honour ,I slipped under the water to wash away the filth from my hair and thought back to only a few hours before laying in the stable watching Thor sif and the warrors three train .

"That's classed as stalking you know " I didn't even have to roll over to know who that snake like voice belonged to , "Loki don't you have some server girl to deflower or maybe a potion to conjur" I retorted " ahhhhh my sweet sweet pet is that the best that you could come up with " loki said as he lay on his back in the hay next to me throwing a dagger up in the air repeatedly and catching it with the tips of his fingers .

I turned back to face the training ground to look at Thor again " I really don't understand your fascination with the boorish oaf he's just all muscle and bravado " he said for the millionth time turning to face him I looked in his eyes "jealous lokes because he's more of a man then you will ever be " Loki laughed out loud and sat up brushing the straw form his coat " I'm more of a man then you will ever get my pet "
Before I could retort he was walking out the stables and over to the garden whistling his tuneless tune as he walked , I rolled my eyes what a dick .

I exited the bath and stood in front of the mirror looking at myself as I dried off "more of a man than I will ever get pffft I doubt it you slimey little weasel" I muttered to myself I placed my robe around myself to be greeted at the door by Xena hurrying me to the dressing table , we made haste doing my make up as Frigga and Sif did my hair
When I looked in the mirror I was amazed at how I looked , my blonde hair shined , my make up was subtle just how I liked it and when Frigga brought my dress over to me my eyes teared up .

I awaited my brother to come lead me to the throne room and stared at my self on the mirror the emerald green chiffon brought out the green in my eyes and the material fit snugly against my curves the black jewel neckline accentuated my breasts and clasped the chiffon cape around my bare shoulders covering my bare back .

"Holy Hel I look hot " the knock on the door broke me out of my musings "enter" I shouted as Volstagg came into the room , turning to face him I swore I saw a tear In His eye but I may have imagined it , "sister" he said offering me his arm which I gratefully took we made our way down to the throne room and I gripped his arm tighter as the golden doors opened .

"Holy Hel I look hot " the knock on the door broke me out of my musings "enter" I shouted as Volstagg came into the room , turning to face him I swore I saw a tear In His eye but I may have imagined it , "sister" he said offering me his arm which ...

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Destined To Be | Loki X OCWhere stories live. Discover now