Christmas Madness

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Loki's birthday had been a huge success and he wore his rings with great pride his betrothal ring settled nicely onto his ring finger loving how it matched his Revnas the Brother ring had shocked him to the core and he found himself constantly looking at the word etched on it he needed no more affirmation where he stood with Thor, Tony and Bruce had developed a suit that would withstand a blast and bullets and he got books and clothes and classical music and a framed picture of him and Revna asleep on the couch off the rest of the team , peters presents touched Loki's heart he had produced a novelty mug saying ' worlds best brother' and a framed picture of himself and Loki just weeks after they had met that took pride of place on the bedside table along with a picture of all the team and rev on his birthday that was encased in a frame that said 'family 'Loki looked over at rev who was still sound asleep beside him he leaned over placing a gentle kiss on her cheek so as not to wake her he smiled as he gently got out of bed ensuring to make little to no noise looking at her from the end of the bed he still couldn't believe just how lucky he was.
loki wandered into the kitchen to get a cup of tea vision and Wanda greeted him " merry Christmas Eve hun " said Wanda as she stretched up to place a kiss on his cheek vision smiled and put the teabags in the pot knowing exactly what Loki was after, Loki sat on the barstool as Steve walked in the room with Thor and Jane Loki looked up "brothers sister" he smiled his greeting Steve beamed back at him and ruffled his hair , Loki had got into the habit of calling them all brother and sister over the last couple of weeks as that's what they had become , Revna walked through at that moment and greeted them all dressed in Loki's robe placing a kiss on his shoulder as she sat beside him taking her drink in both hands she smiled as Loki leant his head against hers this had become their routine and Loki loved every part of it he finally felt accepted he had friends which was something he had never really had before apart from Revna ,
Tony walked in clapping his hands together " operation Santa commences in 1 hour fam " he beamed at them all going behind the counter he poured himself a cup of coffee "reindeer games as much as I am sure your beloved enjoys the view of your rippling pectoral muscles I do require you to have a top on when work commences "he said laughing Loki felt comfortable enough now to walk around with no top on even though his scars were on display he no longer cared , " may I speak for all the women in here " Wanda said winking at Revna and Loki " piss off Tony this " she said gesturing towards Loki's chest " is the highlight of our day if the rest of you men decided to go topless you would hear no complaints from us do we agree ladies " Nat ,Pepper and Revna all nodded " no arguments whatsoever here with that statement in fact it should be mandatory " smiled Nat , it took Bucky and Sam all of two seconds to take off their tops flexing their muscles " what the women want the women get " smiled Sam Loki burst out laughing as Steve and Thor joined in pulling Loki from his chair Sam bellowed over to wanda " here witchy take a picture of the avengers very own answer to magic Mike " as he tossed her his phone she took a couple as all the lads flexed and posed , Tony shook his head with a slight grin on his face clapping his hands again to get everyone's attention " you all know your jobs so once you've done doing your best Chippendale impression can we all get to it " they all nodded laughing as Tony put a Santa hat on " HO HO HO let the fun commence " .
The day flew past the food was prepped the presents laid under the tree Aunt May and Peter were collected by Happy and more presents were added to the massive pile they all sat in the common room admiring the tree and explaining all the traditions to Revna as Christmas was not celebrated on Asgard Loki sat his feet either side of peter one arm around Revna taking in all that was happening before him he smiled as he ruffled peters hair as again he lost another game of Mario carts to Revna he enjoyed this the bond that Revna and Peter had forged and he lay his head back and closed his eyes , soon they would be wed and the possibility of children made him smile " that is a joy to see brother" said Thor as he took a seat next to Loki " what brings such a smile to your face " Loki looked at him "this all of this " Loki said motioning to all that was going on around " I think my future children will love this tradition as much as I have come to love it " he turned his head and placed a kiss onto Revnas head " my love it is time that we retire I believe " bidding their good nights they went to their room revna put his Pj top on and climbed into bed when a knock came on the door Revna shouted to come in peter entered the room " can I ask you guys summat " Revna smiled " of course you can ask us anything " peter smiled awkwardly and sat on the end of the bed " can I bunk in with you guys tonight I will take the sofa I just don't want to " his voice lowered " be on my own I keep having dreams and they kinda scare me and if I tell Aunt May she will stop me you know" Loki nodded " working with us " Loki smiled and looked at Revna then back at Peter and got up from the bed " darling if you would jump out of the bed for 5 minutes " Revna did as requested knowing full well what he was about to do him and Peter grabbed the mattress dragging it into the lounge area throwing the sofa cushions at the side of the matteress Revna ran back to the bedroom grabbing the sheets and pillows getting extra for Peter , Loki smiled " sleepover it is brother " as they all settled down Loki turned on the TV "hmmmm slim picking guys white Christmas, love actually or something called the muppets Christmas carol " peter beamed "Muppets lokes always the muppets " they sat watching it not talking until they noticed peters steady breathing " Loki cuddled up to Revna " if you are wondering I want 5 and the first boy is definitely being called Peter Anthony lokison" Revna turned over to look at Loki this was something he had never discussed " Revna smiled " I hate odd numbers you can have 6 take it or leave it " Loki's grin grew wider " well they say the woman's always right so 6 it is our wedding day can't come soon enough" Loki drew her closer as she closed her eyes and fell to sleep.

Loki woke with a start he felt like he was being watched , which they were practically everyone was in the room "well this is rather touching " laughed Tony as Peter rolled over and hugged onto Loki's leg " muttering " 5 more minutes aunty may" this caused everyone to burst out laughing waking the sleeping Revna and Peter Sam stood with phone in hand " this is sooooo going in a scrapbook " Tony gained control of the masses " you guys have 5 minutes to haul ass to the lounge the presents can't wait any longer " he stated as they all walked out the bedroom .

Loki and Revna sat in a pile of presents aunt May had hand made a veil for Revna for when she married Loki with diamante's and pearls sewn along the edging , Revna couldn't contain her emotion over such a beautiful and precious gift , clothes galore and perfume was bestowed upon her and Thor and Jane had bought her a poetry book for her and Loki to read together , opening up the gifts from Loki she saw a necklace with a emerald heart and lying beside it was a golden dagger on either side opening up a rather badly wrapped present she saw the box inside written in Loki's neat handwriting was this " inside here is our past our present and our future our future is for you to fill my love ,I will love you for all eternity your Lokes" Revna could feel a lump form in her throat as she lifted the lid and saw a book inside and started reading the pages " once upon a time in a land far away lived a lonely prince and a beautiful maiden " for every picture there was a comment a chapter to their story her heart soared when she saw the picture of when she was 14 " and the prince Knew he adored her his heart felt full and he yearned to tell her " seeing the pictures of when Loki was on Midgard on his own broke her heart he looked so lost so alone even surrounded by people turning more pages she saw the change the happiness the pure love with every look he bestowed upon her in those pictures " oh Lokes this is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me I love it " she said tears streaming down her face hugging the book to her chest , Loki smiled down at her" the empty pages are to be filled with our future love " Loki said bending down to give her a kiss " are you shitting me" shouted Sam as Loki finished kissing Revna , everyone spun round to where Sam was looking out on the balcony Thor was down on one knee and Jane was crying " about bloody time Brother " shouted Loki whilst wolf whistling Tony and pepper Smiled taking it all in their little family was growing everyday " well this is one Christmas we won't forget in a hurry ' smiled Tony as he leaned in to kiss Pepper " Merry Christmas Pep".

Loki and Revna sat in a pile of presents  aunt May had hand made a veil for Revna for when she married Loki with diamante's and pearls sewn along the edging , Revna couldn't contain her emotion over such a beautiful and precious gift , clothes gal...

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