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TW; abuse, again...
~Tubbo POV~

I sat on my bed, waiting for Dream to come in. Then the knock came. "Tubbo, am I allowed to come in?" Dream asks politely. "Yeah, come in." I yelled to him.

Dream opens the door and closes it behind him. He walks over and sits on the bed crisscross. He inched towards me "Did you see the prince, actually?" I smiled at the thought of Ranboo.

"Yeah, I did... why?" I ask, he stares for a moment before smiling. "Was he cute? I never met him!" Dream sits back, I blush, about to say something but Dream shushes me "You don't have to answer that." he smiles.

I smile back "I also met the 'King' too. Found us sitting together." Dream inched closer "Really?! Who is it?" I hushed him to be quiet. "XD, it's XD." I murmured, his eyes seemed to dazzle for a second. "That's so epic! People say he's horrible. Was he?" I shook my head.

"Actually, he was not." I replied. "Prince Ranboo NEEDS to come to the masquerade ball, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to tell who anyone is." he chuckles, my smile falters a bit.

I inch closer and whisper "What if father finds out." I nervously ask, Dream made a clicking noise with his tongue "Ah jeez man, you make a deal out of everything." he jokes.

I smile "I know, I might see him tomorrow. I'll ask him." Dreams eyes widen and he smiles "Hell yeah! Remember it's in four days. I'm gonna go get ready for bed." he says getting up. Heading towards the door he turns off the light and turns to me. "Love you, goodnight Tubbo." Dream waves to me and leaves.

I roll over on my left side, staring at the wall. Why won't he leave my head?

  Next Day

I was shook awake and I got up to see it was Dream. "Hey, breakfast is ready." Dream said calmly and I nod. He goes to leave the room but stops and he turns his head. "Make sure to talk to Ranboo about coming." he winks and leaves.

I smile, I get up and get ready. Brushing my hair and my teeth. Then I head downstairs into the dining room. I sit down at the table and start eating, without talking to any of them.

Father clears his throat "Toby." he said, I hum in response. I stare at him. "Look Toby, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. That wasn't good of me." he forces. I sigh "I love the forest father, why would you jump to such conclusions?" I questioned.

Father sighed, I finished eating, not saying a word. I stood up and I picked up energy to storm out of the room.

I was obviously upset.

Who wouldn't be?

I grabbed my bee knitted sweater that mother had stitched on. I headed out to the woods, waving to any villager I had past by. I started up the path, pushing passed leaves to get to the lake. Then, I saw him.


The one I couldn't stop thinking about. I ran over to him, I hugged him. Almost knocking him over. Ranboo got startled but hugged me back.

"Hey sit down for a moment, I wanna ask you something." I say, and he sits down on the log.

I sit down with him and I clear my throat and I grab both of his hands. "Do you want to come to the masquerade ball? It's in four days. I know it's so sudden but I really want you to come." I managed to say.

Ranboo smiles behind his mask. "I'm not sure if I'll make it, I have duties to attend to as well. But I'll try, I promise." he promised, and puts a hand on my cheek.

Rubbing his thumb gently across my cheek, I smile and hold my hand on top of his. "Thank you." I say.

Ranboo let's go of my face and hugs me again "Let's just hope Schlatt doesn't find out I'm coming." he mumbles as he sets his chin on the top of my head.

We'll Meet Again // BeeDuo Royal AU<3Where stories live. Discover now