Logan X Virgil |🌸☁️

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Ship:Logan X Virgil
Type: lil bit of Angst + fluff
Au: Human
Requested by: Me and a old ex/friend who kinda gave the ship idea.
Tw:Panic/Anxiety attack

3rd Person POV

Virgil sat in his room on his bed up against the wall,breathing quickening with every moment that passed,his hands on his head and fingers intertwined with his purple-brown hair as a attempt to ground himself from the anxiety attack that was happening but was failing miserably at it. He couldn't see around him,everything hazy as he got light headed from the hyperventilating and not being able to clam himself from the current events.
As he curled into himself more, his legs now up against his chest and his palms pressed up against his temples as another failed effort to ground himself and tears now streaming down his face as there was a knock on the door that made him jump slightly and only try to pull his knees to his chest more.

Logan sat in his room,minding his own business and doing whatever Logan does so most likely some paper work or something quite utterly boring, as he sat there at his desk he could hear quiet and almost inaudible sobs coming from down the hall, usually he wouldn't think about it to much as he would assume it was Roman or Remus being their over dramatic selves who probably got insulted by Virgil or Remy but something about it was concerning a part of him,making himself get up from his work and walk down the hall. When he found the source of the quite sobs coming Virgils room he felt slightly bad making him frown a little as he knocked on the purple haired males door.

Logan's POV

I knocked on Virgils door,after figuring out the crying wasn't from one of those absolute idiots I felt what almost seemed to be pitty as i knocked on his door. After waiting a moment and no response I knocked again still getting no response from Virgil I opened the door to find him curled into himself on his bed obviously having a anxiety attack, before even thinking I walked into the room,upto his bed and kneeled down next to it, "Virgil? Hey Virgil you need to breath" I said in a softer tone then usual but got no response besides him clutching his head more as he hid his face in his knees.
I pulled his hands away from his head gently and held them in mine as I moved to sit next to him with my legs criss-cross
"Virgil,I need you to clam down,You need to breath. Can you follow my breathing?" I more demanded then asked but still kept my voice soft and he slowly nodded his head as he followed my breathing but it still hadn't fully steadied and he was slightly shaking.
I pulled him into my lap and up against my chest, I gently ran my fingers through my hair as i held him to me,shockingly he didn't freak out as he usually he would and started to calm down,his breathing evening and shaking lessening as he became more clam as he leaned against my chest as I continued running my fingers through his hair.
God he's so adorable.

Virgil's POV

There was a knock on my door I think,I'm not sure everything is blurry,my mind,my eye sight,everything.
I heard another knock so I knew it was a knock but I kept quite hoping whoever was there would leave if I didn't respond, I hate the others seeing me like this, I'm a complete utter mess and will get made fun of for looking so weak. I heard my door open and then foot steps making me curl into myself more to hide away from whoever was there,the foot steps came to a stop infront of me and the started speaking but I couldn't really understand what they where saying as by now my mind is extremely foggy and just in a haze of anxiety and panic.
I pulled my knees closer to my chest, putting my face into my knees and my hands ontop of my head gripping my hair to attempt to clam myself and block out the presence of the other person in the room.
Said other person grabbed my hands away from my head and gently held then in theirs as they moved to sit next to me "Virgil, I need you to clam down,You need to breath. Can you follow my breathing?." The person said..that voice sounds familiar..Logan? Why's Logan here? I shake those thoughts and slowly nod my head as I started to try to follow his breathing but finding if vary hard to completely clam down even after doing the breathing exercise for a few minutes but my breathing wasn't as rapid anymore,I was no longer crying and was just shaking slightly.
I felt Logan pull me into this lap and start to run his fingers through my hair,I was shaken by the sudden move ment for a moment but fairly quickly relaxed and started to clam down completely as i leaned into his touch and rested my head on his chest.

After a little bit he wrapped his free arm around my waist pulling me into him more as he continued to run his fingers in my hair and as I rested my head on his chest and snuggled into him.
I moved my arms to around his waist to hug him as I kept my head in place and closed my eyes oddly enough earning a small chuckle from the taller man,he placed a small kiss on the top of my head then rested his chin on my hair ,now having both arms around my waist hugging me. This is nice..peaceful. I like it.

Logan's POV

It's odd how Virgil hasn't pushed me away and insulted me yet,but also quite nice though, none of us have ever see a extremely calm,cuddly and at peace side of him,usually just a calmer,sarcastic, anxious side so this is a nice change.
I continue to run my fingers in Virgils hair as he calms and relaxes into me,I move my free arm to around his waist,pulling him into me slightly,with that he rested his head on my chest and snuggled into me,I felt my temperature rise slightly but ignored it as i continued to run my fingers through Virgils hair and made sure he stayed clam and didn't spiral back into another attack because I don't think he even has the energy to deal with that again today.
After a bit Virgil wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me but keeping his head on my chest and eyes closed,I was shocked at first bit then lightly chuckled at his unusual action for him, I gently kissed the top of his head then lightly rested my chin atop of his head and wrapped both my arms around his waist.

After a long while of being like this Virgil had drifted off and was now sleeping in my arms,I gently moved him to lay down,making sure his head was on his pillow then I quietly got up,covering him with a small throw from the end of his bed,he curled into a ball as he lost the warmth that I provided as he leaned against me. I kneeled down next to his bed,brushing his messy hair from his face and gently kissing his forehead before quietly getting up and exiting the room and heading downstairs to make sure no one is dead or started a kitchen fire again.


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AHH IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO BAD! I have never written any Sander sides things and it's been a few months since I've been heavily in the fandoms since I go through around 3 different hyper fixations every month and haven't ended up with Sander sides again yet(still in my top 15 tho) and yeahhh! Sorry this sucked and sorry I never write anymore! You can read small summarys on why I'm not writing as much anymore on my convo board if you want.

Also big thank you to my friend morgan! They gave me the idea for the ship and main story theme so thank you dude! They also have a really good book out! Also gotta love dumb writing shit club/hj

Anyway that's all! Please give me requests as I struggle with this on my own sometimes! And please go drink some water!

-luv Lee <3

♡||Word count :1458 ||♡

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