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Li Wenxing has done a lot about the public opinion on plagiarism, but he did not control the real power of the Li family, and he couldn't even get much money, so Lin Yuan helped him do everything. Lin Yuan was far worse than Jiang Rongxuan, so even though Lin Yuan had worked very hard, three days later, the negative news about Li Sinian's plagiarism disappeared without a trace.

That night, Jiang Rongxuan told Li Sinian that the matter had been resolved, and Li Sinian wanted to invite him out for dinner in order to thank him.

Jiang Rongxuan said that there is a chef at home and no need to eat out, so the two set the place for dinner at Li Sinian's house.

They didn't eat stir-fried dishes tonight, the two set up a pot and cooked hot pot in the yard.

Unknowingly, it was summer again. They met in the midsummer of last year and somehow started their business together. It has been more than a year now.

Li Sinian couldn't think of it at the time, whether it was a career or the relationship between them, it was really established in this way, and it getting better and better.

In fact, "the restaurant", a national chain restaurant, would definitely not open without Jiang Rongxuan.

The daily turnover of the restaurant is indeed considerable, but until now, the total income of the restaurant will be the same as the original investment.

Now branches are developing in major second- and third-tier cities, which is another big investment. If Jiang Rongxuan hadn't invested money in this project, it would take at least ten years for the hotel to develop into what it is now.

Li Sinian had a cup with Jiang Rongxuan and expressed his gratitude that he hid in his heart into words.

Jiang Rongxuan laughed and said: "I am a businessman and I will not do business at a loss. Although the initial investment seems to be a ruin, but you see, according to this trend, the business of the hotel will only be better and not bad, those investments are worth it."

"I spent a lot of money in the restaurant, also for myself."

Today's hot pot base is prepared by Li Sinian himself, and the wine is also his own fruit wine.

The alcohol is not low, but it tastes mild and friendly to the throat.

The polite remarks were over, and the two were no longer cautious, and began to eat and drink.

Halfway through the meal, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Li Sinian went to open the door and saw Ma Chi.

As soon as the door opened, Ma Chi began to curse, "Okay, you two, it is obviously the cooperation of three people, you two will eat alone without me!"

He squeezed Li Sinian and walked in and saw the hot pot on the table and complained, "How can it smell so sweet? It smells a few hundred meters away, you two dare to eat hot pot here!"

"Good guys! and wine?! You two are really... If it weren’t for me going to company today, Assistant Chen told me that Mr. Jiang was here, and I really missed today’s meal!"

Jiang Rongxuan felt that he was annoying with his beeping, and he slammed the table, Ma Chi became instantly quiet.

Li Sinian closed the door, smiled and walked over, "Didn't you catch up? I'll go in and get a bowl, Ma Chi, you sit first."

The small dining table was a bit crowded because of Ma Chi's arrival, but it became more lively.

Ma Chi is like a beeping machine, he hasn't closed his mouth since entering the door. What is strange is that he is the one who talked the most among the three, and he also ate the most.