scene 1

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When I woke up , I was still tired like I just payed my head on the pillow. I rubbed the sleepiness form my eyes. I heard the radio playing in the background. Which could only mean one thing. The gang was over . The gang consisted of 7 us . You had two-bit which usually was the cracking jokes , with a good-looking grin on his face. You had sodapop darry kid brother , but ponyboy's older brother. Pony not like his brothers , you don’t gotta act serious around them . And he digs sunsets , which you don’t find a lot of people like that. Darry is the oldest at 20 year old. He not like the rest of us either doesn’t smoke, minds his cursing, and doesn’t put up fronts.sodapop he  just like two-bit to me just with more brains. Then lastly my older brother (I’m his kid sister at 14 years). He not that older at 18 years , 4 years is just like saying he 14 and 14. Were both real reckless , never been taught better then that. We both got out smiles from our father . It’s dangerous , and reckless.

I hopped out of bed, and began my way towards the front. Even though it’s guys out there I don’t feel the need to dress up. I always sleep in heavy Jean pants and plane white t-shirt. I don’t honestly think they mind be dressing like a boy them either way we’re still like family which is all that matters. When I walked in the kitchen the boys were rough housing as usual. Ponyboy was getting pinned my Johnny on the sofa . While two -bit was pulling Johnny off telling him off good for what he did . Like usual everything stopped when they saw me. They usually dint mind there tounge to girls. Usually talking dirty try to embarras the girl. Hey usually ill join in on it with them. But since they know me they always watch how they act.

Dally was the first to greet me as usual. “hey kid how you sleep?, he said happily tossing me a weed. I catcher it in my hand , and went to go light up off the stove. When I came back things seemed have lightened down. Johnny and pony were back laughing with each other the other boys were eating the leftover I saved for myself. I didn’t mnd though usually me and darry don’t eat we jus smoke a weed and listen to the radio, when normal people would be eating dinner. Some say we live a reckless life to be a couple of teenagers , bit who doesn’t.

I flopped down on the couch next to pony and darry. They were talk about a couple of soc girl they saw the other night. I don’t really talk to the soc. The only outcome is fighting or arguing. This one Soc though she is on he’ll of a doll. Gorgeous smile , nice red hair. I used to try to work up the courage to talk to her I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. She most likely has expensive taste that I just couldn’t give to her. And anyways she a soc and I’m a greater even how bad I want it to be happen it won’t.

It looked like Johnny and ponyboy didn’t realize I was there yet. I snatched a weed from one of dallys stashes and lit it up. A weed always calms down the thoughts you don’t want to have. It jus makes you realize a lot of the things you ddidn’t. Well that’s atleast why I do it . They boys are different most likely just to look cool.

Since I didn’t really feel like being there, I got up and went to my room. I found a leather jacket that’s burned on the back from the time my weed fell on it. I pulled it on my arms , and found some black Levi to match. I didn’t really have to try to look cool it wad just a natural thing to pull off. I didn’t feel lousy like I was marked. I looked good and I was gonna show it off.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed a pack of weeds off the dining table. I walked out into the fresh air not knowing what what day would hold.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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