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Chapter 10 — Would you give me a second chance?

[Author's pov]

As the months passed by, Y/n slowly moved on from what happened between her and Yangyang. And of course, the boys helped her.

Soobin also did everything to show her how he still loves her so much. The others always tease them whenever they spotted the two being alone.

They didn't hear a single word about Yangyang and they were happy about it.

Y/n always spent her time with Mark and Soobin since they had missed alot of time together when the two were in heaven.

Right now, Soobin wanted to take Y/n to a spot far from the neighborhood. He found that spot when he was driving around.

The two hopped on Y/n's Lamborghini and Soobin drove. Y/n was excited to see the spot Soobin had mentioned alot of times days ago.

20 minutes passed and they were still on the road. Y/n decided to play some music so they won't be bored, It's already nighttime so she'll play some pop music to keep them awake.

"Have you moved on already?" Soobin suddenly asked

"A bit, I still need time, only just a bit of time and I'll be okay again" She replied and Soobin nodded.

"I know you're gonna love this spot Y/n, I promise you won't regret coming with me" he said and she smiled

5 more minutes of driving and they finally arrived at the spot. Y/n stood in awe as she stared at the stars above the sky.

"Wow Soob! This is so beautiful! How'd you find this spot?" She asked

"I found it by accident, I just saw this when I was driving around, and I noticed how beautiful it is when it's nighttime" He said and smiled

"And also..." He looked at her and she looked at him

"This'll be our new spot, I don't want to go back to that mountain since... You might remember those bad memories" He said and she hugged him

"Thank you so much Soobin. I never regretted coming here with you, the view is breathtaking and... It just feels so... calm here" she said and sat on the bench near the railings.

She admired the sky and enjoyed the calmness of the area. Soobin sat beside her and he admired her face.

"Y/n... if ever you're already okay, would you give me a chance to be your boyfriend again? I promise I won't leave you anymore" he asked

"Of course Soob, I just really need time okay? I trust you and I still love you, just be patient okay?" She said and he nodded and hugged her

"Thank you for not giving up on me Y/n, I love you so much" he said and she smiled

"Thank you for still loving me Soobin, I promise I'll do everything to recover fast. I wanna live the single life again, but only for a bit of time" She said and he nodded.

The two spent time there laughing, sharing stories, singing, teasing and eating snacks.

It was already 12 AM and they decided to go home already since it's late.

As they arrived at home, Mark, Lucas and Sunghoon were sitting on the couch, watching their favorite horror movie.

The two sneaked at the back of the couch and waited for the jumpscare. As the ghost popped up on the screen, Y/n and Soobin shouted and the three shouted like girls.


"I'm sorry, Y'all were so focused on the movie so we decided to scare you" She and Soobin laughed and the others were just staring at them.

See You Again (Book 2 Of Your Love) | Choi Soobin Where stories live. Discover now