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Addison stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her. It was raining but she didn’t care. She enjoyed the rain’s company for it hid the tears she so desperately tried to keep inside. Addison wondered how far she could get before her parents would realize she was gone. Her clothes were becoming soaked in the falling rain. She looked around the backyard for some shelter. Addison was determined to not go back into the house unless it was necessary. The faded dog house would have been big enough but with Jack, her German Sheppard inside of it, she would have never fit and the guest house sized shed near the edge of the property was locked. The old tree house she hadn’t been in since she was ten would have to do until the rain stopped, if it didn’t collapse under her new weight. Addison sprinted to the tree house, clambered up the ladder and pulled it in with her. She now was not only wet but cold. Addison shivered as she looked for something to keep her warm.  To her luck her sister Kamrin had not yet taken out the supplies from her slumber party the night before. Addison chuckled to herself and grabbed one of the blankets and a pillow from the corner. “Well, at least there is one good thing about lazy, younger siblings.” She wrapped herself up in the thermal blanket and curled into the fetal position to keep her body heat together. The sound of the rain pelting the roof relaxed her and Addison slowly fell asleep.

Falling asleep during the middle of the day wasn’t uncommon for Addison due to the fact she was either up half the night “working” or woken up in the twilight hours of the night because of an “emergency”. Whenever her parents or friends would ask her why she was so tired, she would always use work as an excuse. Addison’s work though wasn’t normal, at least in the eyes today’s of society and those who do not have abilities.  She was an all around psychic.  Addison could hear, see, and feel spirits among other things. In an average week Addison would be woken up at least three times and that would only be the beginning. It could take her hours to calm down the spirit let alone get it crossover, Addison was good at what she did and even though she hated the spirits choices of timing she loved helping them. 

When she woke the rain had stopped and the clouds were gone. Addison stretched and went to the window keeping the blanket tightly wrapped around her. She looked up to the sky. The stars seemed to shine brighter than ever and the scent of the rain was still fresh. “The stars are brilliant tonight aren’t they?” he said as he came up behind her.

“Peter! Where have you been?” “I’m always around Addi it’s in the job description.” Addi smiled slightly.

“My parents and I had another fight. They want me to go see a psychologist. Probably some Dr. pills solve everything person, who will doubtlessly think I’m insane without anything coming out of my mouth out of my mouth, and will put me on drugs for life.” Addi sighed “What am I suppose to do? I can’t just ignore my abilities but I can’t tell anyone anything either.”

“You told Jack about me and the other ‘paranormal’ things.”

“That’s different Peter, Jack is a dog he doesn’t understand me nor can he make me go see a psychologist.”

“Though that’s true...” “Peter, I need to know what is happening to me, why I have these gifts. I need answers to all the questions you won’t answer and I’m not going to find them by going to some stupid head doctor.”

“So, what are you planning to do?”

“I’m going to run away.” This is where he had to put my foot down. “Addison, running away isn’t going to solve anything. It will only make things worse. Addi, you have shelter and food here and what about school and your parents? “Peter, I’ve got to. This place is no longer a home to me; it’s more like a war and what about school I’m never going to use half of the things I’m supposedly learning once I graduate anyways.”

She was right, Addison’s home was no longer one, it had long since been changed into a battlefield and the fighting didn’t get any easier when the talk of paranormal abilities came in.  She was right about school too, fate had different plans for her and none of them required what she was learning there. So he stood there staring back at her quietly, not knowing what to say. Now, knowing she had won the fight with him looked back to the stars. He could tell she was sorry but she knew what she had to do.  Addison loved her family; she just couldn’t handle them constantly on her for something. Telling how she felt, what she though. The psychologist was the final straw.  Peter wasn’t sure why her parents wanted her to go, sure Addison wasn’t popular or had a lot of friends making her spend a lot of time alone but she never lied about anything.  Finally he broke the silence.

“So where are you going to go Addi?” I regrettably asked knowing she most likely had no clue as to what she was doing.

“I’m not sure yet, I’ll tell you when I know.” She replied somewhat confidently.  He sighed “Do you know when you’re going to leave at least?”

“Yes, tomorrow after everyone has gone to bed. Plus, I want to get a chance to tell everyone goodbye.”

“Alright, are you sure you don’t want to change your mind?” he asked hoping she would say yes, but as usual he was just wasting his breath. Addi was stubborn and when she made up her mind to do something she was going to do it.

“No, I am going to do this.” Addison said, with that she picked up the ladder and leaned it against the tree house. She climbed down and looked at the house. It seemed dreary and forlorn despite the warm kitchen lights on in case Addi wanted to come in. Addi sighed looked up at me then back to the house and started walking towards her Alcatraz.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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