I know by the time that she went to the school everybody would be gone from the pack house. I hurry and drove back to the pack house to pack up my clothes and runaway. I runaway to the woulda that they told me not to go but I don't listen to them there not my family. So I ran so fast in my wolf mode that I ran into three boy I turn into human mode and I still had clothes on. One of them pick me up bridal style. He told me his name it was Jake and there where his brother Jordan and Mike.Jake had black hair,he had the bad boy look. Mike had the funny look like he is really that make you laugh look. Jordan,had the smart look,but I couldn't get over it that Jake was fucking hot. He to me to his pack hose the Crystal lake pack house. He lay me on the couch. I told him I was ok but he said no. We stare at each other eyes. It was dead silence until Mike told Jake that he putting my clothes in Jake room. Jake told him ok. After that Jake told me to follow he.
So hope you like this story.
Miss Me
Werewolfa story about a girl skyler that a werewolf and she a a that like to get into trouble