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<•00:00• —|————————•03:72•>
Now playing: Flipped-Jaywon Ch.00


Jungwon believes in a few things: the sanctity of trees (especially his beloved sycamore tree across the street), the fresh eggs he collects from his flock of chickens in his backyard, and the sun which he sees every morning from his tree.

And that someday... he'll be together as one with Park Jay.

Ever since he saw Jay's dazzling brown eyes back in 3rd grade, Jungwon has been smitten and 'in love'. He may not be the best at math, but that sure is a long time.

Although love was on Jungwon's mindset, it doesn't necessarily mean that he shows the affection very obviously. But that also doesn't mean that he wasn't so obvious.

Unfortunately, Jay has never really felt the same towards the boy and was more focused on his beloved, peace and quiet.

Frankly, he thinks Jungwon is a little bit weird--after all, what kind of person raises chickens and sits there in trees while singing for fun?

Then, in high school (lot of things go on in high school), everything changes (okay... maybe not everything). Jay begins to see that Jungwon's unusual interests are what, well, make him cute.

On the other hand, Jungwon starts to think that maybe Jay's dazzling brown eyes are not as beautiful as they used to be. Maybe they weren't even dazzling in the first place!

After all, what kind of jerk doesn't care about other people's feelings and their respective opinions?

-How can people with a messy history get together after years of avoidance?-

How can someone like Jungwon be compatible with someone like Jay? Pssht, makes no sense.

Whatever, they were still only in high school. And besides, this isn't some romance-drama, fairy tale mutation where everything is perfect and everything falls in place just as they should be.

He wasn't Romeo and he isn't Juliet, Neither was Jay. Some love can only last for so long, but... maybe 'so long' isn't as bad as people highlighted it.


Love just might be worth it, even if it lasts for 'so long'.


<•00:00• —————————|•03:72•>
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