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Last night

"N/n can you do me a favor? Can you babysit my child for a day? There is no avilable babysitters tomorrow me and my husband are having a date "

"Its Okey F/n you can drop Sei-chan in the morning, enjoy your date with your husband" you said to the other line of the phone


"MAMA Y/N" the Five year old boy said happily crushing you into a hug

"Dosei-chan!" You hug back the joyful child

"Sei be good to your Mama y/n" F/n said pating Dosei's head

Dosei got attached to you since he was your only nephew and you spoiled him much he preferred calling you 'Mama' more than calling you 'untie'

"'Kay mommy" the boy said

"Thank you so much N/n, me and my husband can finally have a alone time together thanks to you" F/n said wiping her imaginary tears

You chuckle to her "Now go! Enjoy you're date with your husband"

"Before I go I have to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"Hehe since your married you know~ get pregnant already so Dosei can have a playmate and a friend I bet you will be a great mother N/n"

Haha that topic again TvT

Its not like you dont want kids its just EHEM in order to have kids you and Takeomi must have S E X

You just blush from her words

"I should get going my husband is waiting in the car, Sei be good I love you byeee" F/n said kissing Dosei's forehead

"Byeeeee"both of you wave goodbye to F/n

"Sei let's go inside I wanted you to meet someone" you said to the child carrying him as both of you enters to your unit

"I heard from Mommy that your already married Mama y/n so am I going to meet mama's hubby?" Dosei said cutely

"Of course baby" you pinch his chubby cheeks as you walk towards to your shared room

"Omiii! I want you to meet someone" You said as you enter the bedroom

Takeomi was fixing his tie in the big ass mirror you have in your bedroom— he needs to look formal because Bonten have a important meeting

"Mama is that your hubby?" Dosei said

"Yes baby" you said walking to Takeomi giving him a kiss in the cheeks😳

"What do we have here? a little guest what's your name?" Takeomi said sofly to the child trying not to scare him

"I'm Dosei! But you can call me Sei And I'm Five...um can I call you papa since you're mama Y/n hubby?" Dosei said showing his adorable smile

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