nacht | oneshot

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Taverns. Nacht never found them as intriguing as forbidden things, never getting the same thrill as trying something new and boundless. The first time he got intoxicated was a different case, of course.

But he decides to stop by a casual bar, may or may not be because of the things he's heard. A tavern filled with mysteries, people say. It raised suspicion throughout the capital, reaching the magic knights and was eventually visited by the wizard king.

The wizard king then had to announce that it was no big deal, and it was all part of the tavern's owner's marketing strategy. Things went back to normal, just like how people would still come by the place to get wasted and try something else.

"You should go there at least once," nacht remembers yami telling him some time before.

Wouldn't hurt to try.. he thinks to himself, stopping in his tracks a few steps away from the place to gaze at the open door of the tavern. It looked.. like a normal drinking place to him, and he wondered if he should continue or not.

However, with the time he had to spare this whole afternoon, he kept on walking, the noises from the bar slowly reaching his ears. This better not fail me..

Nacht steps inside and was immediately greeted with drinking men and women, the sound of cups clipping against one another, and many more.

He was surpised that it didnt stink that much, like the usual taverns in the capital. Nonetheless, he continues to go deeper inside, walking past a few people and some server before taking a seat on one of the bar stools.

"Good afternoon, young man! I see.. it's your first time here!" A woman stood infront of him, eyes curiously examining him.

"I had to check it out for myself, i suppose," he replies back, propping an elbow atop the counter as he reaches into his pockets.

"You look really familiar!"

"Is that so?" He playfully raises an eyebrow, opening his cigarette pack to grab one, lighting it right after. The woman then hands him an ashtray.

"Yup! Hmm.. I think- wait! That man with the long black hair, yes, him. You look like him!" He continues to watch the woman cheer, finding him similar to his literal twin.

So morgen's been here huh..

"They're brothers, remember?"

Another woman comes to stand infront of him, "oh right! Haha! I forgot! Well, im going back to my task now!"

You hum, nodding her way as she exits the front bar.

"Hello, what can i get for you?" You look up from your working area to stare at him with a smile, patiently waiting for him to answer.

Nacht doesn't peel his eyes off you, leaning back on the seat as if observing you.

"You know, I dont have all day," you tell the blond man after a prolonged staring session, sighing as you leaned on your counter.

"This place isnt that much interesting," he retorts, "is this what they call 'contrary to popular belief'?" He teases, blowing a puff of smoke to your direction. The anticipation bubbling inside of him was slowly wilting away, the urge to leave taking over.

"Depends how you see it." You say, your magic automatically shielding you away from the artificial cloud.

"Miss! I'd like another one of this please!" A man sits beside him, pushing a glass across the counter to your direction. "I want to try the guessing challenge as well!"

This took the older twin's attention. A guessing challenge? Sounds lame, but he was curious.

"Alright, alright," you tell him, taking the glass from him to make him another drink. You start pouring the different colored liquids, letting it mix in the air as you went to retrieve an entry for the so-called challenge.

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