Now lets continue
tiny was walking and trying to find the cave
after that he fall into a lava pit but its not a lava pit its a lab and
tiny was going to the right way
tiny:i tought i am going the wrong way and wait what oh its heat girl
nuke was right she is in the pod now let me find that button
oh found it
tiny pushed the button and the ground seems shaking and the pod open
tiny saw a red eye but heat girl a bit dizzy
heatgirl:who are you?
tiny:i am tiny_worrior you can called me tiny and i am nuke's friend
heatgirl laught sooo hard
heatgirl:hahahahaha whats that really tiny_worrior lol and your a tiny worrior hahahahaha...
tiny:haha laught all you want nuke need your help he been like cast a dark spell
heatgirl:oh no the dark gem i thought its been destroy
tiny:do you know how to break the spell or dark gem what ever
Heatgirt or heat:yeah iknow how do you have a friens know how to do spells
Tiny:ah yes iknow its 1univir1 or uni
And seto or c2 hahaha lol...Heat:great now lets find them before its too late
will tiny and heat will find seto and uni
Stay tooned