Introduction: Window to the past

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Pleistocene Prairies/Recovery Island/Paradimensional Rogue Planet/ September 12 3013/

     I stare in melancholy as I watch embers and magma bombs smite screaming Roks out of the skies. A herd of mammoths Aurochs and wooly Rhinoceros are desperately and hopelessly attempting to flee the apocalyptic event that is unfolding all across the Island. The surrounding forests and jungles are being consumed by two storey tall infernos; animals of all shapes and species are pouring out of the trees, crying out in terror and agony. Perhaps Pythia and Delphi were wrong in their prophecy of me being some savior of the universe. This is all fucked up.
       I turn back to the wormhole behind me and see a city of some sort that invokes an odd sense of familiarity, like some mysterious form of deja vu. I can't resist its lulling call any longer, but I find myself unable to take my eyes off the carnage.
    I hear a descending scream coming from the sky, looking up I see a Quetzalcoatlus plummeting towards me. Fuck it, it's time to nut up or shut up. I leap through the porthole and am washed with an intense white light.
    Once the light fades, I find myself lying on the cold hard ground, staring at the sun poking through the dark angry thunderstorm clouds. Did it even work!? I start to freak out so I jump up to my feet, with a gasp of panic I glance around. Through the wobbly tunnel vision and disorientation, I barely make out burning storefronts, burnt out cars and hundreds of bodies littering the abandoned streets all around me. As my visual impairment recedes, I'm hit with the rancid stench of dead corpses, burning flesh, and blood. Embers and radioactive fallout float every which way, falling from the darkened fiery red sky. It looks like a war zone or hell even the Rapture. Where am I!? Where the hell did this wormhole take me!?
      The next thing I notice is the constant echoing staccato of automatic gunfire replying to the sound of plasma weapons. I hear what sounds like someone slowly doing up a jacket zipper, which I associate with a spitfire turret used by the heavy weapons specialists of the UPHA....
     Oh shit. I think I know where I am. I swallow the lump in my throat, realizing that the wormhole led me through both time and space. I'm in New Victoria during the Great War of the Third millennium. I'm experiencing my childhood all over again. Something I had long since forgotten.
       I wander through the empty avenues, looking for any signs of life. Something disturbs a pile of rubble in an alley way to my right, and I instinctively freeze up when I see there's nothing there. Suddenly I hear pounding footsteps approaching me from behind.
      Whoever it is yells, "Get down, you've got a Prowler stalking you, kid!" I duck, hearing the mysterious man power up his rifle and firing at the ghost in the alley way.
     Suddenly a horrendous looking creature flickers into existence out of thin air, shrieking horribly and gnashing its teeth at the gaping gunshot wound. It forgets about its injuries to focus on me. Its lips curl back to reveal razor sharp teeth as it snarls angrily at me.
      "Oh fuck I think I just pissed him off," the man in black Juggernaut armor exclaims. "Move it, boy! I'll cover your six. Lemme deal with this fucker, now get to cover!"
    Without wasting a second I scramble to cover. I watch in awe as the unnamed Juggernaut drops his shotgun and unsheathes a huge combat knife. He beckons his atrocious looking adversary with his blade. The Prowler coils up onto its haunches and leaps onto the soldier, howling angrily while relentlessly clawing at his face and chest.
   As quickly as the Prowler attacks, the supersoldier sticks the demonic looking abomination in the neck. The creature recoils and screeches in agony as it continues to try and eat the soldiers face. It tears off the soldiers helmet and wrestles with him. The Juggernaut struggles with the hunchbacked monster, slipping in the mess of greenish brown gore until the large creature slumps on top of him.
      He pushes the dead enemy off him, and with a grunt he clambers to his feet. This is when I finally get a good look at the supersoldier's face, and my face goes cold. It's my father...

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