Chapter 13: One Step Forward

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The day Natasha had been putting off the most had soon arrived. It was time to leave him. Just for a few days - she had gone longer but in fairness, she had been unconscious then. Her temporary stay in the hospital, however, hadn't been so dangerous. While this was a simple retrieval mission, it didn't come without risk. "But why do you have to leave?" Vinny would ask, sitting on the covers of his parent's bed while Natasha gathered herself some clothes for the short trip.

"I have to go to work, немного любви." Natasha spoke softly, offering a saddened smile. "I don't want to go." She answered honestly, taking a seat in front of her son. "But right now, people out there need help."

"You help people? That's your job?" Vinny asked, toying with his favourite teddy bear.

"Yeah.. well, I try to." Natasha nodded with a soft smile. "My job is to make the world safer for you." She spoke, pointing a gentle finger to his chest. "That's been my job the moment I became your momma." The redhead smiled, moving her hand to cup his little cheek. "I won't be gone long. Just four nights. And whenever it's bedtime.. and papa is tucking you into bed. You just find the biggest star in the sky, and know I'll be looking at the same one." Natasha explained, welcoming Vinny into her arms as he crawled over to her.

"Я люблю вас," Vinny spoke softly, wrapping his arms around his mother as tightly as he could muster.

"Я люблю вас," Natasha replied, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "You're learning quickly. It's a shame papa isn't so good." She smiled, applying a slight tickle to his stomach.

"I'll help papa while you're gone. I'll be his teacher." Vinny giggled, squirming in his mother's hold before breaking out of her arms.

Natasha got herself up off of the bed after checking the time on her phone, passing a quiet sigh. "Uncle Clint will be here soon." She mentioned, sliding the strap of her bag over her shoulder. Vinny reached up to take her hand, the pair descending the stairs. Bruce was waiting at the bottom, a concerned expression settled on his features. "Hey.." She uttered softly, her free hand moving to take a hold of his, her other giving Vinny's a gentle squeeze. "You both need to look after each other, okay?" Natasha spoke softly, looking down at Vinny before looking back at Bruce. "You'll be fine." She spoke softly, moving her hand to Bruce's cheek.

"Check-in.. so I know.." Bruce spoke softly, to which Natasha nodded. She knew exactly what he meant.

"When I can, I will." Natasha nodded, offering him a gentle smile before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Savouring the few moments before she would crouch down to Vinny's level. "And you, you've godda be a good boy for papa," Natasha spoke, but such a request was needless. He was simply perfect. "You have my hoodie on your bed, and remember the star, okay?" She asked, Vinny, nodding softly. He was sure to put on a brave face for his momma. "Every night. I'll be waiting." Natasha smiled, pressing a kiss to each of his cheeks before pulling him into a tight hug. "Do you remember how much I love you?"

"To the moon and back, times a million billions!" Vinny responded, to which Natasha nodded into his little shoulder.

Only when a horn sounded outside did Natasha reluctantly let go of her son, pressing her forehead to his for a few moments before she forced herself away. Stealing one last embrace from Bruce, she exited the house before she had time to stop herself and turn back.

The mission went relatively as expected. Natasha was near militant with their tactics to ensure they stayed firm on the 3 day period. Every night, without failure she found the brightest star in the sky and wished her baby goodnight. Mirrored on the other side of the world, when the sun would set, Bruce would find Vinny perched on the windowsill. He would tell the star all about his day while wearing his mother's hoodie, greatly oversized on him. "And me and papa maded paintings. I can't wait to show them to you, I painted you and me and papa all together." He would speak, clutching his teddy bear. "Goodnight, momma. Я люблю вас."

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