
509 20 13

Unknown Number :

Heyyy it's me!

And yeeees I finally found the time to text you 🙄

y/n :

Uhmmmmm.. who is 'me' ??

Unknown Number :

yooo stop joking around

It's me! You gave me your number, remember??

y/n :

yea eh sorry, i dont know anyone that goes with the name 'me'

Unknown Number :


You're so funnyyy🤣

Now stop, srsly I have no energy left for this bs😑

So now back to the reason why i texted youuu

When was your birthday again?🤔

y/n :

my birthday..?

the heck you wanna do with my birthday?

are you some kind of weird stalker??😬🧐

Unknown Number :

Ughhh i've had it with your jokes

its urgent so just tell me!

And what could i even do with just your birthday only, smartass?

y/n :

How about you stop messing around with me!

who the heck are you and what do you want with my birthday?

wait..don't tell me you are that weird guy who wanted to know my star sign on that one party..

Unknown number :

Oh no!😫

my disguise!

It has been discovereddd😭

y/n :


I knew you were that weirdo whos been trying to hit on me with his sweaty hands and smelly breath!

so yea. i already told you, never ever.😒

And don't think I didn't notice you staring places you shouldn't stare at, you nasty prick👀😤

Unknown number :

oh wow, dont get me wroong I was just messing with u😙

and who would ever try to hit on such a partypooper anyway😌

y/n :


you know nothing about me you prick!😡

Unknown number :

yea thats why still waiting for the answer

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