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Richie pov

It has been a year since we killed pennywise, all of the losers are still traumatized after it. It was the last week of summer and all of the losers wanted to spend it together. There is one secret that I have only told Mike about, I've been in love with Eddie for the longest time, Mike always told me to tell Eddie how I felt but I always said no because I was to scared to tell him. My phone buzzed and it was the group chat

The losers

Bev: hey guys wanna spend the day at our clubhouse?

Richie : sure why not

Eddie: yeah let me ask my mom

Stan: yep I'm not doing anything

Mike: yes I'd love to

Bill: yes

Ben: I'm down

Bev: ok great, meet me there in 20

Eddie: ok

Stan: k

Richie: okey dokey

Mike: oki

Bill: kk

Ben: okey

Eddie pov

I really wanted to go hang out with the losers but I had to ask my mom, she has changed a lot and she lets me hang out with them. "Hey mom can I go to hang out with my friends at the clubhouse?" "Sure why not" Sonia said "ok thank you" I went to my bedroom to get everything ready. I called Richie and asked if I could go to his house so we could walk together to the clubhouse and he said yes so I was on my way to his house. I knocked at his door and his mom answered "hey is Richie home" "yeah come on in you can just go to his room" Maggie said "ok thanks" I went to his room and there was Richie sitting in his bed listening to music "hey Richie" "hey Ed's" Richie said "stop calling me Ed's" I tried to sound annoyed but actually I loved that nickname "oh c'mon I know you love it" Richie said "I don't so stop calling me Ed's" "you know that's not gonna happen" Richie said while laughing "yeah yeah whatever" "should we get going?" Richie asked "yeah let's go" we walk to the clubhouse and everyone was already there

Nobody's pov

"What took you so long" bev asked "what do you mean it's been 15 min since you said "meet me in 20" Richie said "oh yeah we all came here  like 10 min ago" Mike said "why didn't you tell us?" Eddie asked "because we didn't want to interrupt whatever you were doing" bev said teasing us "shut up bev we weren't doing anything" Eddie said "ok anyways wanna play truth or dare?" Bev asked and everyone says yes "O-ok c-can I-I s-start?" Bill asked "of course" Stan said "O-ok t-thanks, u-uh S-Stan t-truth o-or d-dare?" Bill asked "uhh truth" Stan said "d-do y-you l-like a-anymore h-here?" Bill asked "Uhm yeah I do" Stan said nervously "WHO??" Bev asked exited "I'm not telling" Stan said "fine" Bev said "I'll go next" Mike said "ok" Ben said "ok Richie truth or dare?" Mike asked "dare" Richie said "ok I dare you to kiss Eddie" Mike said, Eddie blushed "ok which cheek?" Richie said "oh no I meant on the lips" Mike said smiling "yeah no not gonna happen" Richie said and left "wait rich" Eddie said and ran after him.

Eddie pov

"Rich where are you going" "I don't know I guess just away from them" Richie said "can I come with you?" "Sure" we walked together to richie's house "hey mom we're home" Richie said "hey boys" Maggie said "hey miss Tozier" we went to Richie's room "why did you walk out when he dared you to kiss me?" "Oh uh I'm sorry I just guess I was nervous" Richie said "it's ok" "wait did you want me to kiss you?" Richie asked "uhh I- I don't know maybe?" "Ok well we need to go somewhere" Richie said "uh where??" "You'll see" Richie said. We got on our bikes and I followed Richie to the kissing bridge "what are we doing here?" "Again you'll see" Richie said and laughed, he took me to a spot that was carved R+E "did you do this?" "Yeah, the truth is that I've actually liked you for the longest time and I never told you because I was too scared" Richie said and then looked at his feet, before I knew it I kissed him but quickly pull away "I've also liked you for a long time" Richie smiled at me and kissed me, I kissed him back and then he pulled away "this is literally the best day ever" Richie said and I just laughed "should we go back to your house?" "Yeah" Richie said, we got on our bikes and went to richie's house "hey mom we're home again" Richie said "hey where did you guys go?" Maggie asked "we went to the kissing bridge" Richie said "did you guys kiss" Maggie said and I just blushed "mom stop we didn't kiss" Richie said and we went to his room "why did your mom ask if we kissed?" "Well I told my mom that I liked you and she's always teasing me when I say I'm going to hang out with you" Richie said "that's kinda funny" I laughed "yeah maybe for you but it's actually really awkward" Richie said "can we cuddle? I'm really tired" "of course we can cuddle" Richie said and we went to his bed and we we're cuddling "Ed's you awake?" Richie asked "mhm" "ok this is probably not the best time but wanna be my boyfriend?" Richie asked "Yes yes yes" "ok we should go to sleep" Richie said and kissed my forehead "good night rich" "good night Ed's"

970 words

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