Chapter 7 : In love

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A/N : Hi guys, in this chapter and to the following chapters, the author is now the one who is speaking.

Enjoy. ^_^


"Sehun-ah....Tell me who is that girl? Your pictures are all over on the internet." EXO's manager asks calmly as Sehun entered to his office.

The manager handed Sehun his tablet and Sehun didn't get shocked by the news because he already knew it. It's him and Nara. But it's a relief that Nara's face has been blurred. So fans cant recognize her face.

'EXO'S Sehun and a girl spotted....they looks so sweet like a couple...'

The pictures posted were when Sehun gave Nara the hairclip and also there are pictures when they ate icecream and he wiped the icecream in Nara's lips.

Woah how come they caught us?!tss paparazzi nowadays!! Sehun whispered to himself.

He immediately went here when his manager told him that he was caught dating someone and its all over on the internet.

"Ahh that..... it's just my friend." He said hesitantly. He don't want Nara to be dragged in this. He don't want her to get in involved in his unprivate life.

"But Sehun-ah, you really look like a couple in here. Are you dating? What is your relationship?" The manager tried to be calm though it troubles him. It's not that EXO can't date but as much as possible they are not allowed to. This is to prevent issues like this that can destroy their idol image.

"We are actually just friends manager, nothing more. She's a close friend." Sehun explained with a smile as a sign of relief to show that he is telling the truth.

The manager looked at him crossing his eyebrows.

"You dont understand Sehun-ah! I already told you that you look like a couple here. Look here you put a hairclip in her hair, why?, is this what friends do?" The manager seemed a bit mad now. He pointed the pictures harshfully.

"Here in this picture, you wiped her lips, doesnt she have a hand to wipe her mouth? Sehun-ah!! What Im saying is, eventhough you will tell to everyone that your friends, but there are pictures and what you did in the pictures are not normal friends do! The world is not dumb to be fooled!"

The manager is right. Sehun thought to himself. Why is he so careless that he went to her and be with her like he is an ordinary guy. He forgot that he is a celebrity.

Sehun's head aches as he thinks of solutions. Solution not to protect himself but to protect EXO and Nara.

"Manager can't you just say that Im not in the picture?"

"Sehun-ah! Its not only the media who saw you there, there are fans!!!"

Fans? Oh right EXO sasaeng fans. Sighs Sehun doesnt know what to do anymore.

"Ok. We have no choice but to tell them that it's not you. It just looks like you and your anti fans just spread out the news to destroy you."

"Jinjja?thank you hyung." Sehun felt relieved.

"But stop seeing that girl? Okay? Tell her you'll be in issue if you're together. She knows your idol life she would understand."

"What? But hyung..."

"You're just friend right? Or unless you like her?"

Sehun's heart suddenly jumped. This is not happening. Sehun is worried that he can't see her anymore. He can't. But he should.

After their conversation he went home to EXO's dorm to have rest. He seated to the couch when his Suho hyung approached him.

"So this is the girl sehun-ah?" Suho said as he showed Sehun his phone.

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