WOY Wander Romantic Headcannons

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A.N. Craig really makes some loveable dorks, I tell ya'.

Dating a small, huggable do-gooder would deem itself as an unproblematic fairy tale, if not for the fact that Wander was too good for his own good.

✪ Becoming friends with Wander was the best thing that seemed to happen from getting chased by a certain villain.

Both of you managed to cross (crash to be more precise) paths when scurrying away from Watchdogs threatening to put the two of you in prison for trespassing on Hater territory.

"Oh my! Why I do apologize-"

"Wander!" The blue being now known as Sylvia yells, scooping up the orange blob and you with ease onto her saddle mid-motion. Wander plops on top of your back, your feet and torso dangling sideways over the ground. "We don't have time. We gotta' go!"

✪  Least to say, first impressions were complicated.

He was orange, fuzzy, and adorned a big, green hat. You were, well, you. You thought he was funny looking at first, but soon grew to find him overly adorable. He expected you to have friend potential, like everyone he meets, and overall thought you were just a treat to run into!

✪ Actually being friends with Wander was easier than maintaining relationships with the people he surrounded himself with.

Sylvia didn't like you at first; saw you as someone who knew how to manipulate others into uncertainty. Why else would they have run into you looting Lord Hater's ship with Commander Peepers hot on your trail? After some trust-building exercises set up by you-know-who, everything seemed to unravel and the truth became known. You were a good person, just dealt a bad hand; what better way to redeem yourself than through helpful, awaiting ones? After long talks and persistent acts of truthfulness, you both end up tolerating each other more than originally anticipated. This gets to the point that you each go to the other for advice on pretty much everything (yes, including him). The feelings only grow once you and Wander go public.

Lord Hater doesn't like you. That's kind of self-explanatory. He caught you on his ship more times than he would have liked, pestering his troops and taking things that didn't belong to you (or him either). After you became friends and started hanging out with the helpful duo, his despise for you grew. He treated you all the same; instead of two, it was now three 'awful gremlins'. Dating Wander happened to unleash a new level of rage and disgust that didn't even seem possible. 'Why?' is a common question that floats through his thick skull more than he would care to admit.

Commander Peepers is the same as the latter; he doesn't like you for obvious reasons. Feelings only tenfold once it becomes apparent that the both of you have a 'closer' bond than himself and his righteous leader. The two of your personalities combined annoy him to no end and he can't wait for the day that the both of you 'split'. Speaking of, a whole new era of schemes and plans disclose themselves to the attentive eyeball once it becomes so, so, noticeable! Yuck! Yet again, a brokenhearted Wander? Yes, please!

✪ Well, it kind of  was.

Wander is a very physical person and at first, you didn't know what to do about it. You liked physical affection, but this, no, he was a little too much. Holding hands here, hugging there, and not to mention the emotional affirmations! It, like many other things, grew on you to the point where you became unfazed, and for good reason.

"You're doing great!"

"That was awesome!"

"I love you!"

✪ Getting to the point of love for you was an easy feat (it is Wander after all), but due to his observant yet nice-guy persona, he's kind of unreadable in that regard.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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