ch.1 How it is!

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In school people think I'm crazy. However, I'm not, I just know the truth. They are not gone, they are just blending in. Before the crazy talk, let me introduce myself. My name is Dusk Van Wolven. I know with a name like that of course people think I'm crazy but what can I say my Gram named me. She got a little too in old monster movies. As to why my mom and dad let her name me, well that's a easy one. We don't know them! We never tried to find them and who would want to.

I was founded in the woods one day, when my gram and papp were hunting. Only my head was above ground. Papp said when my gram found me she licked my face till I cried and then looked at him with her big golden eyes. Knowing her so well, he knew that she planned to keep me. Without a word, he started to dig me out and carried me home.

They say I was lucky to be found, that I wouldn't of made it another day. It was already fall and the leafs had already began to blanket the ground. It was so cold that the trees, cracked and snapped in the wind. The first snow of the year, fell the next day. Four feet of heavy, wet snow with a ice glazing. The weight of which, caused a few buildings in town to buckle under and snapped power lines zizzle in the snow.

It took three days for they to get my fever down from 103.5°F. My hands and feet were ice blue, fear I would lose them had set in. Papp says that gram laid me by the fireplace and cuddled me on the floor. When I finally woke I was playing and giggling with gram's tail as it brushed over my face.

Its been 18 years since then and today is my birthday. Papp no longer here and we don't do much hunting now though I know how. I still shave gram from time to time, so she can go running in the woods.

My papp, rest in peace started shaving gram when they would go hunting. The main reason was to hind what she is. Plus he couldn't stand her fur being all over the house. However, she was very good at sewing her fur into a coat. She could sew anything, she love to sew, and though her kind's fur was very valuable. She would never hunt one.

You see for many years they were hunted. The government deemed them unsafe. Most people didn't try to hunt them but when their fur was wanted be the rich. More people started to hunt. Millions were killed for their fur only. They were not unsafe, they never hurt anyone. But greed takes over people and drives them mad.

The government now thinks they are gone but I know they are not. They simple changed forms. Fur gone, two legs instead of four, eyes from gold to brown, claws and pointed teeth gone, all that remains is the color of their now flowing hair. They are human in form now. The wolves have blended into the normal life's of humans. However, in this small town there are only two wolves. My gram and my homeroom 12 grade math teacher, but they can tell by smell if a new wolf comes to town.

My gram told me the ways of the wolves from an early age. For example, wolves that have changed to humans, are nether a boy or a girl unless they fall in love. They will switch between the genders by mood. When they fall in love they settle to the gender that fits the relationship best. Also, wolves mate for life. So if they fall for a human they better hope the human feels the same.

Today being that it's my birthday I got two surprises. The first was my Gram's fur coat, she told me that it would protect me and keep me warm. Pure white fur that flows from my neck to my knees, not big and ugly but slim and fitting. The fur not like the normal fur and skin coat. It was brushed and carefully each hair was sew to silk below. Many people have tried to buy the coat from her but she always said no. As a child I would always play in the coat and tell her I wanted to grow fur just as beautiful as hers. She would laugh and say you can't my dear but one day this coat will be yours. As I wear the coat I feel the warming hug my gram use to give and the sweet smell of her fur as if she just had walked out of the woods, behind the house. I love this coat and all the memories it brings with it.

The second surprise came as a shock to me. Today at school a new kid would be under my care. School the last place I want to think about today. With a class of only 31 people now 32 I was always the butt of every joke. And now adding a new person to the endless jokes not really how I wanted to spend my birthday. I was hoping to stay home like I always have since 6 grade when the girls throw me to the cold ground and would kick me my age in to my stomach. The boys would throw balloons that splatter me with paint. Gram would say don't take the bulling to heart my dear they are just afraid of what's different. But I'm not that different only my dark red almost crimson hair is different. My eyes are green and my body frame is slim like everyone else just my hair. But thought I want to protest going, gram gives me no chose in the matter and tells me to wear the coat because I will need it. I'm not sure why thought. Maybe a new winter storm is here but she never makes a big deal out of a coat before.

Now heading to the bus I can hear the kids already as the bus, squeals to a stop. "Look who going to be brave today. It's her birthday, make such we give her a good gift. Look a new fur coat, what color should we paint her this year? " They all crackle as they planned my day of down fall. 

The bus driver, Mary yells at them and they seem to settle down. Now at the school feet shuffle as the kids unload and Mary stops me. "Don't let them get you down. Happy birthday kiddo!" She says as she hands me a small yellow box. Inside the box a little charm for my bracelet, a silver wolf. "It's beautiful thank you!" I say as I watch the sun gleam off it.

In the school office there are a few lockers normally used for storage. However, one of the lockers was giving to me. This was to avoid the other students from being able to mess with my things. Also, in the office my homeroom teacher Mr. Docks is waiting with a girl. The girl had black hair and golden eyes and she stands much taller then me. By guessing I would say about 6 foot 4 inches. I wonder if she dislikes being a girl that tall. I'm so totally lost in thought that I didn't notice Mr. Docks talking to me.

"Dusk there is a student I want you to meet. Her name is Jill, you will be showing her and her twin brother around the school. I do believe your gram told you about it."

"She has." I say with a smile. 

As I put the fur coat in the locker and jar the lock shut, Jill asks. "Is that Wolf's fur?" 

"Yes! Do you like it? My gram is very good at sew, she made it." I says. 

She answers back " No its disgusting, how anyone can take the skin of another animal and ware it, is disgusting. I don't believe I need to be shown around by this heartless bitch. I'll find my own way, I always have!" 

"Jill, that's uncalled for. You really don't understand, Dusk is trying to help you. You'll understand when you meet her gram tonight." Mr. Docks said. 

I walk over to Jill and stand right in front of her. Looking up to the face towered over me, I smile and say "Maybe you should take a better look at things before you decide to hate them. You smell like my gram and coat. Mr. Docks have fun with your new pet. Jill, let me know when your brother decides to appear. Maybe he has a better personally. Oh and Jill don't forget to howl!"

As I leave the office a girl in the hall decided to rip at my hair and throw me to the ground and starts kicking me. In my piss off mood already, I don't feel the pain of the kick that cracks my ribs. I stagger to my feet, turn and punch her square in the mouth. This knocks two of her teeth out and shocks the rest of the students in the hall as her teeth clang to the floor. Which is the reasons I was sent back to the office and told to leave the grounds.

As I get home gram looks at me already knowing what happened she asks. "Did you give that girl hell?" I shake my head yes and she smiles "good she needed a good ass kicking!"

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