Chapter 4.....

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After Jungkook left, I walked on my toes silently to my room.

I opened the door as quietly as possible and turned on the lights.

Suddenly, someone jumped out of my bed.

It was Jimin.

JM: Ya Taehyung!!

Tae: Shhhhhhh.  I shushed as I put my finger on his lips.

JM: Your mother came here earlier to wish me a good night and kissed my forehead thinking that it was you.

Tae: Don't talk too loud...

His nose crunched as he looked at me head to toes.

JM: What are you doing like that???  Where are your clothes??

I bursted in laugh and Miju opened the door of my room.

Miju: It's JK right?  He riped your clothes .*chuckles* I can't believe my brother is dating  JK.....

Tae: Shut up. I'm not dating him.. *chuckles* anyway.. I'm going to take a shower.

JM: Ewwww. What's that smell coming from you?

MJ: Did you fell in shit or something?

Tae: Hahaha. I'll be right back.


I took my motorcycle and left  for Lisa's house.

I entered and saw her lying on the bed.

I went behind her and kissed her neck.

Lisa: Why so late?

JK: I still had to escape the police.

Lisa: Liar. I saw you leaving with this little bourgeois slut.  She said as she put down her cigarette.

JK: I'm not here to get scolded... Let's get to the point already. Shall we?  I asked and  smashed my lips on hers.


That night,  Taehyung kept thinking about that bully that brought him home the last night.

Tae: Hah. Get him out of your head Taehyung... He doesn't deserve to occupy your thoughts like that.

He chuckled at his own words and hugged his pillow.

Tae: I wonder if I'll see him again.

He turned and looked outside. Then,  he realised that it was already the morning and the sun was already up.

Tae: Ah?  I guess I didn't sleep at all...

He looked beside him and Jimin was sleeping peacefully.  He was even snoring.

Tae: Chim.. It's the morning.. Please wake up.

Jm: Mmmmmmm...

Tae:*chuckles* Lazy boy.  Come on.  Wake up now.

JM: Shut up Taehyung... He said as he turned making me face his back.

MJ: Guys!!! The breakfast!!

JK: I hate sleeping at your place....

Tae: *laugh*

They stood up and went to join everyone for the breakfast.

Then, they got ready for school.

Some hours after.......

Someone was laughing and talking below Taehyung's room.

YG: Are you really going to do that??

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