Intro: This Is Just Starting

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Tears fell as my knees hit the ground, my hands by my side. Dead bodies were scattered everywhere, blood stained the ground, everything was burning or going to be burned. A blood-curling scream escaped from my mouth as electricity discharged from my body. I coughed as the smoke from the fire all around me engulfed my lungs. Then I fell on my side and let the darkness consume me completely.

1 𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔥 𝔞𝔤𝔬 𝔦𝔫 𝔑𝔬𝔵𝔲𝔰
I sat on the railing, looking over the sea seeing all the ships at the dock. The sun was just above the water, which makes sense since it was early morning.

"Why are you up so early?" I heard a voice and recognized it as Mel's. I didn't respond and just kept looking at the water.

"Arya, is everything alright?" I scoffed and turned my head to look at her beside me.

Yes, dear sister everything is soooo great. I'm surprised you even noticed me considering how busy Mother has kept you."

"Hey! You know I can't always be free. I'm soon going to take over this kingdom and I have to keep my priorities straight." I rolled my eyes and sighed. Silence followed as I knew it wasn't her fault that she was so busy.

"Do you ever think there is...somewhere else you were destined to be? That life could've been different?" I was speaking out loud, I didn't expect any answer. I heard Mel chuckle before saying, "You have deep thoughts for an eleven-year-old."

"Shut up!" I shoved her gently while smiling.

"MEL WHERE ARE YOU?!" We both went very still before I nervously laughed. "Guess it's time for your training."

"Yeah I guess so," She started to walk away but stopped. "For the record, yes, I have thought about life outside of here. But this must be my life so I'll live it." Then she completely walked away leaving me to my thoughts.

𝔄 𝔣𝔢𝔴 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔰 𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯

Time for an afternoon heist. I walked through the market that Noxus hosts every few days. Kinda surprising since everyone here is super serious like dude, lighten up. I strolled down the overly flat road and near the small shops. I walked along side the counters, a few boring items, nothing special. Oooo look what we have here! On a nearby table I saw a glowing rock that caught my eye. It was subtly sparking, making me even more curious. I calmly walked by the stand and grabbed the rock. I was a few feet away from the stand, that's when I heard a shout.

"Hey! Get back here!" Oh god. I start to run and heard lots of footsteps behind me. I quickly look back to see guards chasing after me. I turn a corner, pushing people out of the way.

"Stop her!" I dodged the hands trying to grab me. All of a sudden, I tripped causing me to fall forward. Why am I so clumsy? The glowy rock slipped from my fingers, each time it hit the ground it created sparks. It rolled to a nearby house, causing the building to come crashing down. A thick dust settled in the air, I coughed and close my eyes.

I reopened my eyes, the whole house was in piled on the ground destroyed. Dread and shock filled my body, but it was cut short when three guards grabbed me. "Hey! HEY LET ME GO!" I screamed as I thrashed. I cloth was placed against my nose and mouth, knocking me out like a light.

Okay that was the intro! It was short but it gave you a taste of this story.

Bye for now!

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