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Alright guys, so sorry to say this, but I'm deciding I'm going to rewrite this entire work.

Its' come to my attention, from rereading the weird and cringy writing I've been doing, that this isn't where I wanted the characters to go or develop. I wanted Kela to be more masculine and have a darker past, but I can't do that if I'm giving away all the clues already. So, I'll be deleting the rest of the chapters and starting over.

I know it sucks to see this, but writing is a hard job for those of you that are just readers. And some of you may understand it if you're still in academia—writing essays and whatnot—but with writing comes the growing and comprehension of understanding the mistakes in your writing. Here I am, going through my work and completely regretting what I've given you guys because of it's dumb, cringy, and completely different than what I intended; my fault.

So, if you're reading this on 12/18/21—the day that I'm posing this—or after, know that in the next couple of days or hours you'll have your first, long, and better chapter of this work.

I'm thankful for all of you that added this to your reading lists, liked/stared, and commented, you're a gem. But hopefully you guys like this next works more than my previous ones.

Don't worry though, every character will stay the same, the plot that I've planned will slightly change but stay on the same route, and it'll be a more darker romance than intended. ;)


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