We Meet Again

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     The girl just sat back, obviously not taking her mask off any time soon. I sigh, and take the seat next to her. She sits back up, and grabs my hand. Normally I would pull away, but this girl felt.. trustworthy, in a way. Then I think, I can just take her mask off. I quickly pull away and swipe her mask off.. What the..

     "You don't know boundaries.. do you?" She says.

     "Well I didn't know that you were gonna be the bar girl, stupid.. and I didn't know you were gonna be working with them." I respond.

     "I don't. He just gave me the mask to cover my face up with so I didn't have to wear a bag." She said.

     She takes my hand again, but I pull away slightly. She looks up at me, her eyes obviously heavy and tired, but she wants to help. I wouldn't be surprised if she felt bad for beating me up earlier. Then suddenly, it was like she read my mind.

     "Sorry for beating you up, earlier.. I just-.. You wouldn't understand." She said, slowly unwrapping my bandages. I watch her face as she does so, noticing the darker than normal eyebags.

     "I'm sure I would, bar girl." I say, not taking my eyes off of her. I don't know why, but I just couldn't.

     "Ev. It's Ev. Short for Evangeline." She says, grabbing a piece of cotton, and soaking it with alcohol. She rubs my wounds, and I hiss in pain a little bit. She doesn't take notice, and just keeps cleaning my wounds. I didn't mind either. Her touch was.. gentle, in a way.

     "Ev.. pretty nickname." I say, still looking up at her face. She looks up at me through the pieces of hair that fell out of her ponytail. I felt my cheeks heat up. What the.. why were they doing that. She clears her throat, and just looks back down. "I can bandage them myself." I say, about to pull my hand back.

     "Please.. just let me do it. It's the least I could do, since I.. y'know.. beat you up." She says, looking sorry about it. I sigh, and leave my hand there. She takes a bandage wrap and starts wrapping it around my usual spot.

     "Earlier though.. when we were fighting. I asked you if you liked women? Is that question still up for an answer..?" I say. I don't know why I was so curious about it. Just curiousity, I suppose.

     "I answered, didn't I?" She said, not taking her eyes off of my arm. My face heats up and she looks at me. "Not one for jokes I guess?" She says. She was joking. Oh. "But in all seriousness.. what's it to you? Why would you even wanna know?" She asked. She had a point. Why did I want to know..? I answered with a small shrug. She sighed. "If it's that important.. Men aren't really my type. At all." She said with a mocking tone in her voice.

    "Oh, so you're mocking me now?" I say with a small laugh. I see her smile.

     "Well, it's the truth. And that too." She says, switching to my other hand. She rubs it with the alcohol soaked cotton again, and I hissed. Instead of ignoring it this time, she held my arm tighter in a reassuring manner. "You okay? Does it hurt any worse than the last one?" She asked.

    "Same old, same old.. why do you care, anyway? You didn't hesitate to be the one that pushed my hand into a rock wall." I said, staring at her wrapping my arm. She paused for a moment, then continued.

     "Then you shouldn't have started a fight with Sevika." She said coldly. I put her in a bad mood, because now she was quicker with my bandages. Still just as gentle, though.

     "Why does it even matter? It's Sevika. No one even likes her." I said, then immediately regret it. I shouldn't have said that. She finished up my bandages on my other arm, but didn't stop holding my hand. Instead, she started applying pressure to my wound. It was like she was stronger without shimmer. I guess it's just an energy boost for her? I gasp in pain from the sudden pressure on my wound.

     "Listen, Violet. That woman is like a mother to me. She listened to me when no one else would. When I had no one, she was there. I've seen her stab so many peoples backs, but not once has she stabbed mine. So, Violet.. Tell me.. why does it matter..?" She says, only squeezing my wound more. "Why does it matter that I'm applying pressure to a fresh wound? Should I stop..?" She asks with an overdone innocent face. Tears start to well up in my eyes and I try to keep them back, but it doesn't work. Was she a sadist or something? I nod my head quickly.

     "Please.. stop.." I say, my voice shaky from pain. She lets go, then throws my own arm towards me. 

     "I should've just let you keep your dirty and bloody bandages on." She says as she walks out of the room. I go to say something, but she just slams the door before I can. I messed up. I shouldn't have said anything. I held my hand in pain, as it still hurt.


     "Are we going?" I asked, and Ekko just responded with a nod, untying the enforcers bandages. I wiped the blood off of my hands that I got from squeezing Vi's hand. I don't know why I even tried to fix her stupid bandages.

     "Why do you have blood on your hands?" The enforcer asked, and I just stared at her. "Answer me d-" Before she could finish, Ekko gave her a look to make her shut up.

     I look back, hearing the door open. It was Violet. How fun. I shove my hands in my pockets, and wait for Ekko to tell us to leave. He starts walking out, motioning for us to follow him. Vi and the enforcer walk behind us, and Ekko starts talking to me in a hushed voice.

Vi x Reader (LoL Arcane) I Found it Hard to Find Someone Like You..Where stories live. Discover now