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In the deepest place of the Sea of Quanta, just at the border of the sea and root of the Imaginary Tree, there is a being with humanoid form born from pure Honkai energy sets their gaze at one of the tree fallen leaves that is slowly falling down and lets out a long heavy sigh. This tree, its roots run deep into different spaces, its branches lead to multiple worlds and its leaves are bubble universities of those worlds. Whenever those universities have no more future possibilities, the tree's leaves will wither, fall down and then be absorbed into the Sea of Quanta till none is remained. In the end, after million years of fighting, those who live in those universities, their stories will be forgotten, their effort turns to dust and evidences of their existence will be wiped out completely... So what are those people fighting for? The being wonders as they watch those leaves disappear.

"How long has it been since I had consciousness? How many universities were destroyed? Must be eons..." they mumble softly just before feeling a disturbed present, making their internal energy twist.

"So this is the place. Finally I can see my beloved Kallen again! Kallen, wait for me, I come to save you now!" The being hears a peculiar familiar voice which they have heard million times while watching over those universes. They reluctantly turn back to face a young man with long blond hair and green eyes.

"Please do not process Otto Apocalypse. Bringing a death back to life only makes worlds' balance collapse. You have failed so many times." They say with a monotone cold voice mimicking their closest and only friend's deep tone. Although they know this man well and admire his determination and love, they can't agree nor sympathise with his actions.

"You must be Nue. Welt told me about you... A life form like you can't never understand human emotions! You don't know how desperate I am to see Kallen again! She is the love of my life!" Otto yells and stares at the Honkai being with menacing eyes. It surprised him when Welt could escape this place and even knew this rare specimen. Otto himself had planned to experiment on this creature but failed to find them. And now, they are standing there, trying to prevent him from his purpose! How irritated!

"I know what you have done. But have you ever asked yourself whether Kallen will be happy to see you again? Or she would like to sleep eternally in the deep with her beloved Yae Sakura? How many times I have to watch you destroy the world just because of your obsession? In the end, you will fail and be more miserable than now." Nue brutally states an obvious truth that Otto himself has been denying for all those hundred years.

"Shut up! You and Welt are the same! Stop telling me what to do! You know nothing about Kallen! She loves me! I will eliminate anyone or anything stand in my way!" Otto loses control over his emotions, screams loudly like a crazy person and his eyes dilate with madness and sorrows. Nue sees Otto gathering a large amount of Honkai energy in his palm. His face is twisted and full of killing intention. Just like Welt once said to them before he left the Sea of Quanta, Otto is the most obsessive and twisted person.

"I neither want to fight you nor stand in your way, Otto. Just a word of advice. Rethink before it is too late." Knowing that he only has a slim chance of success, Nue still steps aside, allows the madman to proceed. Otto smirks and nods as an approval of the being's action, fixes his attire and goes to the portal at the top of the Imaginary Tree. 'This lowlife, what do you know? Stay here and die, worm!' He thinks.

Looking at his back fade away in the distance, Nue sighs heavily. Like Otto said, they are a Honkai beast that can neither sympathise nor empathise with human's emotions. However, as a high intelligent being and after eons of watching over humans, they can understand human emotions to some extent. Welt, who was the first Herrscher of Reason and trapped here for a hundred years, taught them more about human and gave them a name. Nue fascinates about human and wishes to become one themselves. The first time they actually understood the pain in their chest, tingling and prolong, the sorrow and loneliness was when he left this place. Since then, they find it's hard to let go of this heavy emotion within them, to calm down the internal energy twisting strongly whenever they see human cries and mourns. That's why they are compassion with Otto's love and grief, but they are contemptuous and displeased with his actions. He has caused more pain than what he has suffered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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