𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙨 𝙊𝙛 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙩

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Jennie x Reader


Synopsis: Y/N Kim was never close to her older sister, it could be because of the age difference considering her sister was fifteen when she was born, but Y/N has tried everything to make Jennie Kim like her — all attempts were unsuccessful. Why didn't Jennie like her?


Author's POV.

y/n tried understanding but to this day, she still can't. y/n knows that all sisters aren't supposed to get along, but they at least still hold some love for each other but y/n doesn't know if that's the case when it comes to her own sister. her parents always told her that jennie's just a little older that's why she's like that, but y/n has seen her own sister get along well with their young cousins. y/n has seen the way jennie took care of their younger cousins, she's seen the way jennie plays with them so y/n is baffled as to why jennie hated her so much.

y/n has tried everything, she promises she has. she always cooked jennie's favourite foods whenever the older would visit home from work, whenever jennie would complain to her parents that her back hurt, or her body ached, y/n would be at the store buying jennie medicine. if jennie complained and said she wanted something, y/n would beg their parents for money just so she could buy it for her older sister, but all attempts were unsuccessful. all she would ever receive is a scowl or if it's in front of their parents, a forced 'thank you.' nothing was ever sincere and y/n could see that she was making no progress. all she wanted was an older sister who she could be best friends with, why was that so hard?

y/n was sixteen and jennie was thirty one, sure, jennie was usually always visiting home and chilling with their parents, but not once did jennie try to hangout with y/n. it made y/n insecure and unloved. her parents loved her but her sister didn't. y/n just didn't know why jennie hated her so much. y/n got to see roseanne get cuddled and kissed by alice and jisoo to jiyoon, but y/n was always there, alone with no one to talk to. sure, her parents were there and they were amazing parents but there's certain things a child can't talk to their parents about. y/n can't go up to her own mother and just ask why she was getting hormonal in the morning and why she was feeling things for girls. when y/n first experienced the experiences of boys, she had no idea who to turn to.

her father? nope, that's just weird. her sister? nope, jennie didn't like talking to her and if y/n remembers correctly, y/n is sure jennie hasn't spoken more than two sentences to her in their fifteen years of life together.

"y/n-ah!" the girl jolts from her chair and nearly falls on her ass hearing her mother yell her name from downstairs. having one last look at her uncompleted science work, y/n figures she'll just finish it after doing whatever her mother had called her to do. "yeah eomma?" chaerin walks up the stairs and leans on her daughter's door frame, crossing her arms. "i need you to call your sister y/n/n," y/n freezes and stands up from her spot. "....why?"

"your father and i are going to be in a conference call in five minutes and i need you to tell your sister that we're having lunch at halmeoni and halabeoji's palce."

y/n gulps, when was the last time she spoke to her sister on the phone? oh right, never.

y/n is surprised she even has jennie's number, unless jennie already changed it. "can you do that for me?" chaerin waits as her daughter looks everywhere but her. chaerin was aware of her daughter's relationship. she knew that jennie didn't like y/n, it was obvious that the entire kim family just decided to ignore it to not cause any more issues. chaerin can't help but feel bad for y/n but she has no control over what her daughter does and thinks. jennie is a grown woman, she knows right from wrong and chaerin is finished trying to parent her grown daughter. all she can do is be there for y/n and love her to fill the void that jennie has left as an older sister.

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