Chapter 13: White Knight

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The grisly night sky started turning a hue of orange, dragging Sonjo out of his thoughts.

Sonjo: "Ah look, the dawn is here."

Archive: "Negative. It is still three hours before the star's rays will start appearing here."

A loud rumble helped prove that theory. "Then...that means this was an explosion! Were close to the city, quick, lets see what's happening!"

The Astra started moving faster, approaching what could be considered a jog. The wooded path they were on found itself ending not much farther and opened wide into some kind of clearing. A decently large area devoid of trees with a subtle incline going upwards towards a medieval fortress city.

The city looked quite imposing. Tall walls surrounded it completely and while at first glance it seemed ancient, many modern additions could be seen.

On the far right side of the city, closer to the end of the clearing and the beginning of the forest over there, a large sentinel lay on the ground. Standing over it was another, slightly smaller Sentinel and it seemed to be attacking the other.

Over by the city's gate, another sentinel could be seen outside, moving very fast and being shot at from the walls.

Archive: "I am picking up two radio frequencies. They do not appear to be protected."

Steve "Let's hear them then."

???? "You almost done over there? I'm gonna need help here."

??? "Yeah yeah. The gate is almost sabotaged. Nothing is going to come out of here for a while after I"m done."

???? "Well hurry up, this thing is tough as hell. I can't damage it too badly though, they want it intact."

Steve: "And the other?"

Firm male voice: "...hang in there, reinforcements will be coming out soon. Under no circumstances are you to open your cockpit."

Young feminine voice: "...understood."

Firm male voice: "One of the pilots is being woken up and will be here soon, he'll guide you on how to break away from them. For now, focus on not getting hit in any vital systems."

Firm male voice: "Wait, watch out. We just got visual confirmation of a third sentinel. Model unknown, affiliation unknown. We'll use the artillery on it."

Steve's eyes widened at the realization. *Oh fuck, better get moving then.*

While Sonjo was taking in the sights, the Astra started moving in a zig zag motion, heading towards the city.

Archive gave a small warning to Sonjo as they started moving: "Warning, artillery strike detected. Initiating avoidance pattern."

Sonjo: "Is there a way to contact them, let them know we're friendly?"

*Hmmm, we could get Sonjo on that radio signal couldn't we? What's the harm in trying?*

Archive: "Affirmative. Connecting to frequency...connected."

Sonjo: "Hello?.."

Firm male voice: "Whos this? This is a secured line and not for civilians."

Sonjo: "Ah, well I'm the sentinel's pilot. The white one. I'm not here looking for a fight, I was actually hoping to join the Valnir Technocracy as a mercenary."

Firm male voice: "I find that pretty hard to believe. We'll give you a chance to prove that however; go rescue the Thunderlord. Then we'll talk some more."

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