Foolish humans

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I am hopping around without a care in the world. Why should I be afraid or worried or anything? The sun is shining but it is neither too cold or too hot, just the perfect temperature. I know that there is nothing to be afraid of, I am always well protected here and no predators ever come this way. Moreover, all the rest of my family are just hopping around as well, they are not running away so there is nothing to fear.

My belly is pleasantly full, I just had some water from the small pond that humans always do not forget to fill and I have had my fill of fresh vegetables not too long ago. Although I have slept from that point in time so it was probably a little longer than I should be satisfied with. No matter, I know that some human will come again soon with new tasty treats.

I always like the carrots and lettuce leaves the most, they are so delicious. And I and my whole family are being fed them as often as we could wish for. This life is truly the best.

Oh, now that I am thinking about food, my stomach is actually starting to feel a little empty again. No matter, there is a lot of deliciously fresh and thick grass all around, I can just nibble on it until the next time for treats come. I take a bite and surely enough, it is just as good as all the other times. My life really is peaceful here.

As I am nibbling on the grass, my ears suddenly perk up, someone is coming. I stop munching and listen carefully to see if there is any danger and if I should not warn my family about a perpetrator. I smell in the air, hoping to distinguish what kind of creature is approaching. My instincts are on high alert even though I have felt so peaceful just a moment ago.

I only calm down when I recognize the steps of humans. There are two of them, one is walking at a sedated pace and the other must be hopping around from the sound of it. My nose also picks up their smell and I immediately calm down. I know those humans, they always come with the best treats. Even though one of them is more often than not loud and too energetic, I always try to hide away from him, just as the rest of my family.

It is not that I do not like him, but he is just too much at times. He often teases me and I do not appreciate having to wait for my treats. He is not treating me too badly but there is just something about the other human which is way more calm and serene. I like coming close to that one way more. He always takes care to not hurt me or make me uncomfortable, unlike the other one who I believe is also trying his best but it is simply not the same.

When they approach even more, I stop eating the grass and lift my head to greet them. Sure enough, my other senses did not deceive me, I confirm with one look the humans' identities. Both the calm and gentle one and the energetic and loud one are here.

I follow my family's example and immediately start hopping towards the calm one. I can already smell all those delicious treats he is hiding as usually in the big pockets in his fur. I speed up a little bit so I would be the first to greet him, surely he would give me the tastiest treats that way. I am brave, my whole family says it, I do not startle too easily. Moreover, there is nothing to be afraid when it comes to the calm human.

In my haste however, I have completely forgotten about the other human. Only until a hand reaches for me. I can only see it from the corner of my eye but I immediately draw away, hopping a few steps back just in case. As I said, I am not afraid that anyone would hurt me here, but I just do not like someone scaring me like that so suddenly.

The rest of my family followed my example and have scattered around as well. Some of them have even hopped all the way into the small houses built for us to hide in. They are exaggerating, the energetic human is not all that bad even if he catches you, he just moves too quickly sometimes. I stay in the open, only sitting a few feet away from the calm human and sniffing at the air to determine which treats exactly he had brought us today.

Foolish humansWhere stories live. Discover now