daddy? please come back to me.

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He left that night.
Little did she know that that was the last day she'd ever see him..
After that,
He became more and more busy..
The nights became longer,
And the days became shorter.
Her eyes only continued to grow duller..
Its been four years now.
She hasn't seen him sense then.
Every once and awhile,
He'll message her.
Last time he messaged her was November 23, 2014.
He told her happy birthday..
Her birthday is December 20th..
She continues to blame herself for letting him go again..
She still cry herself to sleep every night.
Or sometimes doesn't even sleep.
Afraid that if she falls asleep,
She'd lose more than she already has..

She wants to die every second,
Of every minute,
Of ever hour,
Of the day.
Every 365 days of the year..
So many things have happened sense he left..
She can't control it anymore.
Now she's just another angel,
Who wants to go home..

daddy?..Where stories live. Discover now